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'08 New Years Resolutions

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Dec 31 2007 10:24. Posts 7292
I don't really make goals for myself... not a very goal oriented / driven kind of guy, so that is something I want to change for the New Year. There are a few things un-poker related that I want to get out there and achieve:

Staying Single! (With very rare exceptions) No I'm not gay. I'm all about getting some ass when I can get it, but ever since my last relationship (which lasted almost 3 years) I've been on a mission to not get into a relationship. Basically, for a poker player, it can never be good. Relationships are very -EV for the obvious reasons that they are time consuming to keep up, and very costly to your wallet (no matter how much you want to admit it). The exception to this rule would be if I could nail someone has hot as Jessica Alba (which would be worth all the time / money in the world) and she tells me something absurd like "You won't get laid unless we are dating." Either that or I find someone that truly understands and accepts the fact that I really don't have time for her. Besides, living the single life is so... FREE!!!

Improving My Blog - When I went to Vegas in December I told Zimba how many hits I get on my blog, and he told me he got more. Obv this put me on sick tilt. Totally unacceptable that a manager from Cardrunners somehow gets more hits on his blog than me. He doesn't even play that much poker! How can his life be more interesting to read than mine! Oh the injustice! So this upcoming year I'm going to dedicate a little more time in keeping my blog somewhat more updated, in an effort to get more hits than Zimba's blog. Btw, for those of you who read Zimba's blog, stop it!

Staying In Shape - I was 1st team All-American in high school for swimming my junior and senior year. If I got into a pool right now to swim more than 8 laps I'm going to be breathing hard. When my best friend came down to San Diego to visit a couple weeks ago, we worked out in the gym and rode the bike for 30 mins. 30 minute bike ride = CosMo Cardio Death. What's wrong with me? I use to be so into working out, but recently I've totally fallen out of it. With that said, I'm probably more fit than 95% of poker players in general anyways but that really isn't saying too much. I use to think I'd get my exercise by going to the beach, but when I went to the beach this semester all I did was... tan and sleep. Not really active eh? My apartment complex even has it's own private gym and 25 yard lap pool which is a 1 min walk away from my room. I need to start taking advantage of this. So, keeping with my tradition of setting the bar low: I'm going to work out a whopping 3 times a week minimum, for at least an hour each time.

Being More Organized - Holy shit I'm the most unorganized person in the world. Marshall28 can attest to this. I basically don't realize I have to do things until the last minute. This carries over to a lot of my school work and makes studying a lot harder than it needs to be. Not really sure how to improve on this, but it's definitely something I want to improve.

Learning to Cook - This was inspired by [vital]Myth. For those of you who don't know, not only is [vital]Myth our resident super genius at hand discussions, he's also a 5-star chef. This kid can fucking cook. While helping him move in, at least half the boxes we put into his new apartment were cooking supplies / kitchen appliances. And since Myth and FrinkX live no more than a 3 minute drive away, I try and make it over for dinner as much as possible because Myth seriously cooks some of the most fantastic food ever. This past semester I've been pretty much living off of a combination of Quizno's, Rubio's, Panda Express, Subway, Sombrero's, Oggi's Pizza, and Pat & Oscar's for the most part since I cannot cook shit. I'm pretty much sick of all the food I get from around my area... time to start cooking for myself! A couple of my good friends back home have given me a few simple starter recipes that I'm going to try out when I get back to SD. Who knows... I'm asian... I might be the next Iron Chef. Sup?

Traveling - Maybe not during the semester, but definitely over the summer I want to travel to somewhere interesting. I'm not exactly sure where or what I'm going to do, but I have the time and money and I heard that I need to travel so... let's go! I'm going to Hawaii for my friend's graduation. Other places could be Europe? Japan? I heard you can get a 10 cent hooker in Thailand, maybe I should go there?

As for poker related goals... I don't really know yet. Haven't thought of anything creative. I find that it's hard to make realistic goals in poker since there is just so much variance. I guess I can set a goal to play more... I don't know yet. I'll make another post when I figure that out

***2 votes
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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

PplusAD   Germany. Dec 31 2007 11:16. Posts 7180


The staying single point
Is so true.

Basically, for a person who has serious goals in life , it can never be good


biatches cost u time and money ...
Most of the time its totally not worth it untill you find someone really special

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

casinocasino   Canada. Dec 31 2007 16:24. Posts 3343

nice blog

Mangojasmine   United States. Jan 13 2008 00:06. Posts 26

all good goals. GL it's so hard to start exercising again. 10C hookers = good call.

Women are like wolves. If you want a wolf you have to trap it, ensnare it, and then you have to tame it, keep it happy. Care for it, feed it, lovingly, like an animal deserves to be loved. And my animal deserves a lot of loving. Dwight Shrute 


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