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Ran Sick Hot

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Venrae   United States. Jan 03 2008 01:45. Posts 1545
I ran so sick tonight. I started around 4pm and lost ~$5 to put my BR at ~$75. Then my computer fucked up again and I had to reinstall windows and shit which is just oh so much fun. After I got all my shit back up and running around 10pm I hit the tables again. I managed to run my ~$75 roll into $106 in five hours. I ran so sick hot it was crazy, that and fixing some big leaks really boosted my confidence and roll

I was sucked out on twice (as far as I can remember), including a gay KK v TT all in preflop where I spike a K on the flop and the douche sucks out to a flush

Other than that I can't believe how well I ran, I was hitting sets left and right and shit just HELD. It felt soooooo good.

I guess this hand pretty much sums up my night. - Best. Missclick. Ever.

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Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL)Last edit: 03/01/2008 01:54

Python817   Canada. Jan 03 2008 01:51. Posts 2733

lol him betting 21x the pot when you got the nuts nice o.o

Venrae   United States. Jan 03 2008 01:53. Posts 1545

Hence my "thank you" on the river :D

I love hero bets/calls

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

Frosty   Netherlands. Jan 03 2008 02:37. Posts 97

Hehe, I saw you on the tables a few days ago, I'm Cloud Frost with the lp avatar.

Glad to see you're doing good :D

Narious   Canada. Jan 03 2008 02:51. Posts 4800

Saying thank you like that is really classless

kimseongchan   United States. Jan 03 2008 06:09. Posts 2089

congrats on your heater seems like you have yet to experience your first real downswing though; still fussing over one buy-in losses :/ 3-4 buy-in swings daily shouldn't affect you at all

k2o4   United States. Jan 03 2008 09:29. Posts 4803

lol nice misclick =) 

Venrae   United States. Jan 03 2008 14:24. Posts 1545

  On January 03 2008 01:51 Narious wrote:
Saying thank you like that is really classless

Now that I think about it, it is =

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 


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