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What a strange session

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SashineK   Czech Republic. Jan 07 2008 06:23. Posts 24
I've just finished a session and looking back into PT to find some hands to post i found out, that i've lost only one big pot and as you can se, it could have been much cheaper folding the turn as i should. This one was also kinda interesting, i thought about some overset for a second, but how could i fold such a small chance.

Nothing special... as you can see.... just pissed about the QQ hand, i knew he had it and i'm supposed to fold the turn and save 10$ for children in Africa.

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Pulda   Czech Republic. Jan 07 2008 10:31. Posts 446

Ad. ta 22 handa:
Mel bys vic raisnout pf - kdyz te docalluje tolik lidi a nehitnes set (celkem mala sance), tak nemuzes ani contbetovat. Standard je 4BB + 1BB per limper, coz asi vis, ale je dobry to dodrzovat.
Ta tvoje line na flopu je strasne transparentni Kdyz nekdo takhle na flopu callne a pak reraisne, je to skoro vzdycky monster. Je celkem fajn ten bet od nachtymatora jen callnout jak jsi udelal, protoze ten board je dost dry (nehrozi tam zadne draws a vetsina hand missnula) a chces nalakat do hry toho druheho s vetsim stackem, ale kdyz ten pak raisne, mel bys zase jen callnout s tim ze raisnes na turnu (prip. muzes i na turnu jen callnout, pokud bude ten board i nadale hodne dry, nebo budes mit nejaky read na toho hrace ze je hodne agresivni).

Nice blog, at se dari.

SashineK   Czech Republic. Jan 07 2008 13:56. Posts 24

100% pravda, mel sem to raisnout na 1,25$ .... nejak sem nachtyho v ty hande prehlid. Vim, ze je to strasne pruhledna line, nevim jakej jsem mel duvod to na nej hrat takhle, asi tam nejakej byl, nepamatuju se.
Ad hra na turnu, v tomhle pripade by mi to zabilo akci, protoze by proti tomu esu asi nehral. Nicmene souhlasim, ze je lepsi callnout se na turn a tam raisovat podle toho co dobehne.

Ty for comments.


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