WilsWils   Canada. Jan 07 2008 18:58. Posts 285
Jumped up +3 BI today but got apesmashed with a few bad beats in a few large pots dropping down to a -2BI day, nothing super terrible tho, as i've been doing well the last 3 weeks. I've moved back to FR from 6 max just to test out the few things i learned from 6 max, and altho i feel much more confident that im extracting alot of value from my big hands, i can still improve in certain situations :<
BR exactly one month ago: 630 (incl. RB)
Current BR: 1480 (+300 RB any day now)
Goals by end of Jan:
Play another 25k hands of FR/6MAX @ 50nl to finish @ 60k hands total at the 50nl level
Move up to 100NL and quickly learn the regulars and get used to it - i plan to stay the longest at 100nl until i can beat it over a 100k hand sample size for 3 bb/100, right now im running meh-ish @ 50nl 6max / FR, only beating both respectively at 2 BB/100 cause i ran bad earlier when i moved up.