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Winning session!

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KwarK   United Kingdom. Jan 13 2008 00:04. Posts 1019
Since Artanis staked me and I restarted 25nl I've had some fairly big swings. From up 80 to down 40 or so. However one thing has remained universal. I always end within 10 of where I started. Like 4 sessions in a row. And not a progressive where I started in which I could make a few dollars each session but rather within 10 of what I had when I was staked.
This session treated me nicely. I ground up about +75. Not as high as my high yesterday but after a cooler I realised that it was time to stop. I needed a winning session, it's been far too long. What I didn't want was another +80 only to end on -8. Last few hands cost me a few more dollars but I quit over 2 buyins up. A very good result, my first winning session in almost a fortnight. I needed this and relatively happy to stop this session.

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Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 13 2008 01:54. Posts 5647

maybe you could 2 table for a while to get your winrate up.

you know, could just try it.

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Jan 13 2008 02:32. Posts 5230

  On January 13 2008 00:54 Silver)Z( wrote:
maybe you could 4 table for a while to get your winrate up.

you know, could just try it.

lachlan   Australia. Jan 13 2008 03:17. Posts 6991

  On January 13 2008 00:54 Silver)Z( wrote:
maybe you could 6 table for a while to get your winrate up.

you know, could just try it.

full ring 

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jan 13 2008 03:21. Posts 6817

Hang in there :O When I took my first NL50 shot I ended up tilting off 70% of my roll (4 buyins NL50, then dropped abit over 10 buyins at NL25) in a 2 day marathon (tilt+set over set 50000000 times), which led me to being breakeven playing tilt poker for a long time when rebuilding at NL10.

Make sure you don't feel super tilted when you play, like losing one pot sends you into 'WHY ME' mode, and try to avoid going on auto-pilot. GL getting back up there

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 


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