So after the debacle that was yesterday (see previous blogpost for details, or don't, probably better for my overall reputation as a non-retard tilt monkey if you don't!!) the first thing I did after breakfast today was sit down and 4 table 2/5 again. I had decided that I would move down if I dropped down to 13k (I'm actually not sure exactly how much I have, because the £ sign can't be displayed on this computer without me rebooting and I have cashed out and stuff, but it was probably around 4 more buyins from where I was when I started today).
Anyway, I'm feeling alright, focused, brain working unlike yesterday, and 5 minutes in I get stacked QQ vs KK. But today is different, today I was not to be tilted. Felt nothing, reloaded, continued playing, and finished up after playing some poker that I was very happy with.
There were a few hands that I think I misplayed, but overall I am very happy with my decisions and such today.
(Note: for the majority of my session yesterday I was happy with how I played, just at the end I totally lost it, thankfully I had the presence of mind to instaquit after giving a buyin away).
So, graph from yesterday:
So basically today and yesterday cancelled eachother out (with a tiny bit of profit). - Thank you, thank you sooo much CaptZeebo (if this doesn't make sense to you, I'm refering to the Zeebo theorem, ie, people never fold full houses, so overbet for value if you have a hand like mine). - One of my notes on him said "Doesn't like to fold", thought I was valuebetting all 3 streets not just the river - Couldn't decide if I should bet river or not, I sort of wanted to just because it's a card I'd use to 3barrel a lot, but meh. - Ok, I'm not sure I love my play here.. Hm, the guy minbetting is really bad, I checked cause when he minbets and the other guy calls, I definitely have the caller (who seems like a good player) beat, and the donk can have a veeeeeeeeeeery wide range, and is probably calling a lot of that. But then he instaminraises me and I go wtf. I'm not sure what I'd have done in the moment on a complete blank turn.. Maybe I'd have wimped out but I think because of how bizzarre he plays I might have forced myself to call. - I love this guy so much - Aww come on, at least give me some hope to suckout! - Don't like my play here. On the turn I think I instachecked (hoping he'd bluff some draw that missed on the river), then when he bets 20 on the river I was really confused about what to do.
It kind of looked like he wanted to bet 200 but typoed? I'm not sure.
Eitherway I ended up making a stupid minraise hoping he'd do something spazzy, which I think was kinda stupid .
Better to raise to like 180 or something, I think he might call it reasonably light since he might think he induced it.
I guess two other options would be to felt the flop or bet/call turn, but I didn't think he was gonna go apeshit bananas with like AJ here (obv AJcc).. MAYBE AQ? I dunno. Anyway, I think I played it pretty poorly on the river
In other news.. Had second MMA class today (meant to go twice before but the first time I couldn't decide if I was going at first and then suddenly it was too late to get there in time, oops, the second time I read the time wrong on the schedule, double oops).
Anyway, I did some MMA a few years back but quit cause of time contstraints (which is a nice way of saying I wanted to get into the top 32 in the TLTour ladder.. got like 38th or 34th or something, booh). I missed it but always put off going back for some reason, so it feels great to be back.
Also awesome that unlike last time, I'm not dying of exhaustion after the training, I guess running paid off (still not in great shape obviously). Takedown/throws fucking kills you tho, grappling, standup, it's not THAT exhausting, but having to do that and then get up and down/throw people is sick hard on you.
New Years resolutions, status update:
- Sleeping schedule: FIXED (god I feel sooooooo much better sleeping at reasonable hours).
- MMA: started =]
- Go: Ehh, need to get to this one..
- Poker.. ........ I bought a wii. And I've been lazy. I think I've managed 6k hands this month. Hopefully when my 30" monitor arrives from the PS store I will get my shit in gear and do some serious playing
I'm really happy with how I've progressed just between this and last month. I managed to implement many things that I wanted to, and it's really showing in my play I think (ie my att to steal is much, much, much higher than before, my W$WSF has shot WAY up, and in general I'm playing more poker and less 'make big hand, win money, make no hand, lose money').
I think I should work on defending my big blind a bit more tho, right now it's pretty low, but not entirely sure what's optimal.
So to summarize, while I haven't played much, and certainly haven't been killing the games in the tiny sample I have, I'm confident I'm on the right track now and hopefully I can get into a good rhytmn.