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January so far...

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27s   Canada. Jan 26 2008 00:20. Posts 87
I was gonna wait until the end of the month for this but I'm so hyped about playing poker, making money, bein a microstakes baller and just running so damn consistently well.

So here is my graph and my chart:

I actually didnt start playing this month until around the 12th. My computer was messed up and I was pretty busy anyway. So I got my computer fixed up - needed a new power supply. Im just gonna buy a kick ass computer in the next month or so with an insanely huge monitor for 9 tabling. So anyhow, the last two weeks have gone well for me. Put in 52 hours with a MT ratio of 7.08 running at just under 11BB/100 which I believe is quite sustainable at this level. I've really been keeping my cool while playing and not letting the beats get to me. Just move on to the next hand and focus on my A game.

So I'm taking away $30 an hour from the tables. GG imo. I'm not positive but I think my rakeback is getting me $10/hour. I'll confirm what that is in the middle of February when I get paid. Part of December I was playing $25NL.

I'm getting smart at managing my roll at the same time. Withdrew $500 to instadebit earlier in the week so I can pick up a reload bonus. Sure enough AP had a 15% up to $200 today. So I deposited $500 which gave me a $75 pending bonus. I only played 3 hours and cleared $20 of it, though today I ran like a god almost 6 buyins holla! AP typically has reloads like this a couple times a week, so now that my roll is larger I'm going to start taking advantage of them. I just have to get instadebit to raise my transaction limits. Once I'm rolling with this though I should be able to bring in at least $1k in bounses!! Not to mention the ARP points to cash - which I figure gives me another couple bucks an hour when I hit 50,000 points and cashout $500.

Im just rollin with it. I want to go pro more than anything, but I'm going to do it right, with a nice sized bankroll + a few months expenses in the bank, and no debt. This is going to be possible very soon because im getting a divorce settlement of $25k. Ship it.

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redrain0125   Canada. Jan 26 2008 00:44. Posts 5455

nice winrate sir

27s   Canada. Jan 26 2008 00:48. Posts 87

thanks. And thanks to all the donks at AP.

PokerDoc88   Australia. Jan 26 2008 00:52. Posts 3527

Good luck, I wish you much success in your poker career. Considering your circumstances, attitude, and performance thus far, I will not be in the least surprised to see you playing at something like 2/4 or even 3/6 a year from now.

27s   Canada. Jan 26 2008 01:12. Posts 87

ty doc. It'd be sweet to to be playing at 2/4 within a year I'll tell ya. I'd be one happy dude being able to beat 50/1.00 or 1/2 though. Im hoping to gradually transition from part time to full time around september. I think that gives me more than enough time to do lots of grinding and learning. I cant wait to some evenings and weekends off. I live in Canada, and one of my best friends is living in L.A now because of his job. If I'm playing full time that means i can hop on a plane and stay with him for a week or so, and still make money while im down there on vacation. This is the lifestyle I want so bad.


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