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GameOverNoob   Canada. Jan 26 2008 19:55. Posts 961
It's been about one week since my last blog entry so i'll update anyone who's actually reading this on whats up. I'v been very pleased with work which has been occupying most of my time. Looks like I could start playing by the end of february if not sooner due to a loan that is unexpectidly coming back to me 10 months sooner than I thought. Thanks to Constantcolorup i'll have two 20 inch monitors much sooner than i had thought.

I think it's only fair to give a small background on some important information about me. I am manic depressive and i do suffer from anxiety but i will not let these factors influence my poker game.

I have been seeing someone to help me work on my self discipline which has boosted my overall confidence and is what is pushing me to start sooner than expected. I'll be starting off playing a pretty standard TAG approach since ill only be playing NL25 on 4-12 tables.

Until then ill be studying tournament play, putting in 1-2 hours daily jsut watching small stakes tables and try and get some advice from a few pro friends of mine.

Have a good weekend everyone!!

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Feiticeira   United Kingdom. Jan 26 2008 19:58. Posts 3047

  I am manic depressive and i do suffer from anxiety but i will not let these factors influence my poker game.


good luck with that. Are you taking meds?

The weird thing is I think McCain will win this. Im 100% certain Obama wont be elected and you guys can mark my words - Sheitan 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Jan 26 2008 20:15. Posts 961

I've been taking300mg of Effexor Xr for about 4 years now


SPEWTARD   Peru. Jan 26 2008 22:21. Posts 4306

  On January 26 2008 18:58 Feiticeira wrote:
Show nested quote +


good luck with that. Are you taking meds?

i think a LO L there wasnt necessary

gl dude

Rise and Shine 


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