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Pillars   United States. Jan 29 2008 01:31. Posts 1049
An important strength of mine, something I've always managed to hold as an advantage over opponents in games, is my ability to detach myself emotionally during high-stress situations and continue to gather and analyze information and then execute at a high level of efficiency. This is a skill I've developed over the course of my life through playing games like Chess and Starcraft. It's obviously a huge boon when playing poker as well. My ability to mitigate the impact of tilt on my game is a huge reason for the success I've been able to achieve up to this point.

This month, however, has tested my limits. I've had a few nights where I could literally "feel" anger seething through my bloodstream; a kind of hot, violent pulsing. This is not good. While it's easy to quantify the monetary benefits poker can provide, the costs of playing the game are much harder to pin down. Months like this make me question my choice to continue pursuing this game as my primary source of income. If the game is capable of destroying my quality of life to this degree, the monetary gains become somewhat irrelevant.

I've dropped down to 2/4 for the time being, both to reduce stress, and to re-tool some portions of my game. The competition is noticeably softer, which in some ways makes it *more* frustrating when I'm able to outplay people but the cards don't fall my way and I continue to lose or break even.

My last 10k hands, at both 2/4 and 3/6:

I'm not at all doubting my ability to beat either 2/4 or 3/6. I've never posted a losing month playing NLHE since I started playing 1.5 years ago, my results from last year were very good at both limits, and I'm still confident enough in my ability to judge objectively whether or not I have an edge in a given game.

But the swings...



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 Last edit: 31/01/2008 00:13

k2o4   United States. Jan 29 2008 01:36. Posts 4803

yeah, avoiding tilt gives such a huge edge for longterm profit. But when the going gets tough, even the best players have trouble dealing with the tilt that comes up.

That graph does not look like a lot of fun =) 

anon   Lithuania. Jan 29 2008 01:39. Posts 5965

I am in same boat. Recently i realized that poker has huge impact for my emotional stability. Once i am running bad the quality of life gets lower, i feel pissed and annoyed thus i start playing bad (not realizing that i am), and my downswings become brutual.
I have realized that i won't be able to beat this game until i will be free of the feeling that i must win, since it's my only source of income. However i am student and ill have to struggle for 1.5 year before i will get a steady job and i will be able to move limits without caring too much about neither money nor bad runs.

Doyle Brunson: Fights with your wife or girlfriend are not healthy for you bank roll 

Pillars   United States. Jan 29 2008 02:00. Posts 1049

  On January 29 2008 00:36 k2o4 wrote:
yeah, avoiding tilt gives such a huge edge for longterm profit. But when the going gets tough, even the best players have trouble dealing with the tilt that comes up.

That graph does not look like a lot of fun =)

Emotional management skills are so underrated. There are a number of factors which go into determining a player's longterm win-rate, and some of the most important ones have nothing to do with skill.

Jelle   Belgium. Jan 29 2008 02:07. Posts 3476

that's why this is your greatest opportunity to use your best skill, man

you might not get another opportunity (brutal downswing) for a long time, so this is like the most important moment to focus on making good decisions


shaneomac   United States. Jan 29 2008 02:16. Posts 4245

once a person realizes that theres no sense in worrying about things he cannot control, everything you face in life, such as adversity, comes a lot easier.

Pillars   United States. Jan 29 2008 02:24. Posts 1049

  On January 29 2008 01:07 Jelle wrote:
that's why this is your greatest opportunity to use your best skill, man
you might not get another opportunity (brutal downswing) for a long time, so this is like the most important moment to focus on making good decisions


Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 29 2008 02:29. Posts 5647

  On January 29 2008 01:07 Jelle wrote:
that's why this is your greatest opportunity to use your best skill, man

you might not get another opportunity (brutal downswing) for a long time, so this is like the most important moment to focus on making good decisions

saved to my collection of great quotes.

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 29 2008 02:32. Posts 5647

also, pillars, the anger you feel is nothing compared to how pissed off you would get at times in a real job, being forced to deal with retards, or getting fired, or just in general being bossed around. I really admire that you do so well at poker so don't let it get to you.

Pillars   United States. Jan 29 2008 02:55. Posts 1049

  On January 29 2008 01:32 Silver)Z( wrote:
also, pillars, the anger you feel is nothing compared to how pissed off you would get at times in a real job, being forced to deal with retards, or getting fired, or just in general being bossed around. I really admire that you do so well at poker so don't let it get to you.

There are different types of anger and frustration, to be sure. I've worked a couple of 'real' jobs before, so I'm not unfamiliar with some of the issues which arise in the standard working world. It's hard to complain too much when so many people are chained to mindless jobs which they derive almost no fulfillment from, and which only barely cover their cost of living.

Still, the frustration which poker can elicit seems to me to be rather unique. Competitive individuals, who are used to leveraging their intellectual and strategic edge over weaker players *immediately* in games like Starcraft or Chess or Go, are forced to see that same edge manifest itself very, very, VERY slowly over a long period of time when playing poker.

It *is* getting to me right now. But taking the time to write about it, and to put it in context, will ultimately help me get back on track.

Babs   Australia. Jan 29 2008 02:58. Posts 1178

I had a 20bi downswing this month at 400nl, my first real big downswing.

I have since recovered and am back in the green for the month. My advice is to look for leaks and believe in yourself.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake - Napolean Bonaparte 

Pillars   United States. Jan 29 2008 03:08. Posts 1049

  On January 29 2008 01:58 Babs wrote:
I had a 20bi downswing this month at 400nl, my first real big downswing.
I have since recovered and am back in the green for the month. My advice is to look for leaks and believe in yourself.

Glad you've managed to recover. 20 buy-ins is pretty nasty, especially at full-ring. When I've played in the 2/4 full-ring games this month, you've definitely seemed like a solid player.

My month isn't even *that* bad in terms of results. I mean, I'm still making money. But I've logged an insane amount of hours, and am winning at less than half of my historic PTBB/100. I think much of the frustration is stems from the intensity of the swings. Every other session involves these massive upswings and downswings. It's so much more emotionally taxing to go down 5 buy-ins, up 8 buy-ins, down 4 buy-ins than it is to slowly lose a single buy-in over the course of a session.

 Last edit: 29/01/2008 03:15

n0rthf4ce    United States. Jan 29 2008 03:50. Posts 8119

sick downswing, hope things go better for ya 

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 29 2008 04:51. Posts 34260

4.8k ? playkng 600nl? that is ur biggest swing? wtf

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

DooMeR   United States. Jan 29 2008 04:53. Posts 8553

yea i've been going through the same thing. i tried to step back up to 5/10 and started seriously struggling and so i moved down to 3/6 and broke even / lost a little over like 10k hands so then i moved down to mixing 2/4 in just to get confidence back and ive been stuck here too. If you want we set something up where we can sweat each other or discuss hands. Let me know, my aim is AJDoomer2 and my msn is

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance, by running away from the scene of an accident. 

Joe   Czech Republic. Jan 29 2008 05:59. Posts 5987

Poker is a sick game. I feel you.

I had a similar month in December. I made $20k in the first 10 days, then proceeded to lose $21k in the next 2 days (NL 3/6 and NL 5/10). Felt like shit. Decided to start using 4 BI / day stop-loss rule, to not get stressed too hard. Kept having swingy sessions over the next 2 weeks, basically I managed to win back like 80% of those $21k, then lost 3/4 of it again in 2 days (stop-loss rule violated). Made some money in the last days to save the month and end few G's up for December, but still felt pretty bad and angry at myself for letting all the shit happen, when I am very sure of the fact, that I could have avoided like at least half of it by not playing in the wrong state of mind.

Then January came, I started playing more disciplined poker and controlling my emotions better. Also Lady Luck smiled at me

GL pillars.

there is a light at the end of the tunnel... (but sometimes the tunnel is long and deep as hell)Last edit: 29/01/2008 06:34

Timonga   United States. Jan 29 2008 07:10. Posts 1074

Well, I'm not a baller like the rest of you guys, but ever since I started playing poker several months back in September, I've always wondered how you mid-high stakes guys handle the emotional roller coaster that is poker. I've been multi-tabling 25nl and losing $50+ pots can be stressful, especially when I get my money in as a big favorite.

I can't imagine what some of you go through emotionally after a downswing. There are times where I seriously felt like throwing my comp through the window, and then me afterwards.

Pillars, I read in your other blog post that you made over 150 K this past year. My goodness, thinking about that has got to at least put a little smile on your face while you're in this downswing.


Pillars   United States. Jan 29 2008 13:21. Posts 1049

  On January 29 2008 03:51 Baal wrote:
4.8k ? playkng 600nl? that is ur biggest swing? wtf

Ahahaha nonono that graph is not an example of my biggest downswing. It's just a gross, swingy stretch of 10k hands. Biggest downswing is closer to 12k over 3-4 days.


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