albonycee   United States. Feb 08 2008 10:41. Posts 2749
50 nl so far. its pretty easy to beat 50 nl at fulltilt plus the rakeback is nice.
100 nl. still having a hard time at 100 nl. people float a lot more with garbage and pretty much every button raise is 3 bet. maybe ill build a nice roll for 100 nl and move to stars. i dont know yet. plus the fact that ive ran like shit hasnt helped.
0 votes
(insert stupid shit)aments
Last edit: 08/02/2008 10:56
WilsWils   Canada. Feb 08 2008 11:28. Posts 285
20 Bi's in 9k hands @ 50nl
fking nice man ;]
i know how u feel. Unable to get on a heater @ a new limit = saddening ;;