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The necessity of playing

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SKoT   United States. Feb 08 2008 13:57. Posts 1768
So I have like 3grand tied up in investments that wont be paying anytime soon so Ive been literally having to play to make money. So far going good, but Im still not playing anywhere near as much as I should. Going to work on at least 7-800 hands a day.

Im shortly rolled for 50nl because Ive withdrew close to a 1.5k but its pretty easy so I'm not worried. Running a little below expectation I think... some pretty sick stuff but I think everyone says that so w/e. Haven't been drinking NEARLY as much either(was going through about 3 liters of vodka per week for a while) and its helping I guess. Im working out more too, etc.

Finally declared major as Law Enforcement and planning on minoring in Computer Information Science and possibly Double Majoring if my schedule allows.

^ Feb so far

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