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kNkiDDa   Germany. Feb 10 2008 15:41. Posts 83
I sat down, logged onto my Poker Provider and started playing NL50. Some guy +2 on my left was making total moronic plays( going all in randomly, repoping with gutshots or total air). Then i pick up this hand:
I figure that he has a big load of BS or 99 / 88 / 77 here and repop him. Couple of hands before he played a monster very slowly so i snap called him since he had to have a medium strength hand which was beat by my TT.

2 Hands later i get 33 reloaded with 100BB and call his preflop raise and spike my set on a very very dry board.
Totally frustrated me that he owned me twice with a 4-outer. I was -110$ then.
After that I pick up couple of QJs, KQs, AKs/AKo and raise in position and get either repopped or hit nothing on the flop... Then comes this hand
I was kind of semi tilt because of what had been happening, He surely could have made a play on me with a weaker hand since I a) had been raising a lot b)lost two HUGE pots in a row to bad beats

I took a break for about 4-5 hours, went playing a little basketball and watched 'The bucket list'. A very well made movie with 2 Academy Award winners Jack Nicholson & Gordon Freeman. It is about two patients who have terminal cancer and decide not to wait for death in a white robe at the hospital but instead decide to live their last months to their fullest... pretty baller .

Had lunch and go to playing poker again
A complete moron tries to slowplay on the turn with his straight. I get my flush+Payout

Made huge comeback with solid value bets on the river, some squeeze plays, a lucky KKvsAA and other payouts:

Did not make it to the green side today, but I was very happy about getting to the break even point.

Let's talk some basketball! Right now the Miami Heat are playing the Lakers on Sopcast. The addition of Marion into their lineup not only saved them the huge contract of Shaq but brought them on of the best players to complement Dwayne Wade. Right now their are taking too many jumpers and not taking care of the ball to much but it is going to be exciting in Miami in the next couple of years - to bad that the Lane to the finals will be clogged by LeBron & Garnett for the next couple of years - if not even for Wades' entire career by James.

It is going to be very interesting how Shaq will mesh with the Suns. He can be a real force against opposing big men. Especially the combo of Stoudemire&O'Neal will get Suns opponents into some real foul trouble...

Shaq just looks SO f*kkin' old in this picture. Hopefully he has some Diesel left in the tank!

Kobe/Bynum/Gasol/Fisher/Radmanovic. How can you potentially stop them? If they stay healthy, they will be the main contenders for the future. Really reminds you of the Chicago Bulls, only that they are more talented, bigger, longer. Maybe a little less efficient on defense. The arms race in the West is the best that could possibly happening to an avid BBall fan like me!


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Practice, Practice!Last edit: 10/02/2008 20:38

SKoT   United States. Feb 10 2008 16:00. Posts 1768

i rofld @ gordon freeman

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Feb 10 2008 16:01. Posts 14026

its good to see more white guys in the NBA

PokerDoc88   Australia. Feb 10 2008 19:35. Posts 3527

your 33 vs his A2 is pretty bad you should fold the river easily...


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