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Lakers Rolling - Poker good

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kNkiDDa   Germany. Feb 14 2008 10:19. Posts 83

Been running like shit for about 800 hands. Right at the beginning of the session I had a monster heater and was up 2 buy ins within the first 150 hands. After then all began to go downhill. Bet draws never came, lost couple of 80/20 and AKs vs JJ preflop in a Blind battle.
When the session was nearing its end, luckily a huge donkey was so kind to stack off to my QQ preflop.

Regarding my future career..., it is almost settled that I will go being an entrepreneur after this semester is over. With a little help from my parents and couple of friends I will try to start something(will not go into the details as of yet). Poker will remain a side income. Once I am at NL100 / NL200 it can be quite useful.

Overall I am not quite satisfied with my results. Though not it a downswing I have observed that I severly lack postflop agression. I can't really imagine how ToT Midian gets up to such high aggro rates .
Will try to fix that after reviewing my session. Gotta go play basketball now.
GL to all.

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