Which CR vids to learn 6max? |
Siro   Australia. Feb 15 2008 19:08. Posts 1540 | | |
Very confident in my FR game right now, and will probably move to NL200 FR soonish.
(btw, what BR would you recommend starting nl200? 5k?)
Pretty sure my laggier than usual FR style will translate well to 6 max and conversely if/when I do move back to FR it can only help my postflop skills.
I've only watched a few 6max vids like CTS' super agro style, peachy and 1-2 of brian's.
Should I start at NL50 first?
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Muhweli   Finland. Feb 15 2008 19:31. Posts 10663 | | |
Might be better to seek for the midstakes pro vids for that one, although the high stakes pros obviously make very educational vids as well. Midstakes just play differently than high stakes and I don't think aba and other nosebleed pros properly adjust during the videos. |
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EvilSky   Czech Republic. Mar 05 2008 06:21. Posts 8918 | | |
Dont move down the stakes because you switch to 6max, its still the same game and you only have to make some adjustments.
I really liked Sixpeppers vids for midstakes, fruitypro is also ok but kinda on the tight side. Brystmar I havent made an opinion yet.
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