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My journey to baller status

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Exhilarate   United States. Feb 21 2008 10:29. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:31

ReSpOnSe   United States. Feb 21 2008 10:43. Posts 405

errr how do you trade play money for real money?

SemPeR   Canada. Feb 21 2008 10:57. Posts 2288

God, what a long grind. Gotta give you some respect for the perseverance. I started playing with a 150$ deposit at Stars three months ago, playing mostly part time with a few 10-20 hour broken-day-sessions during weekends / winter break from school. My bankroll is 600-700$ right now (total funds are much higher, was stupid enough not to keep track, using extra money to fund a higher reload bonus: i.e. depositing 600+$ for a 100$ bonus and playing 10nl). I think I'm moving up by the end of the week to 25nl.

This shit is good for you though, and I can't help but think I could have spent a bit more time getting my shit together at 5nl before moving up to keep the swings (tilted 6bi down-sessions anyone?). Keep it up.

PM me if you're interested in trading an hour or two of sweating eachothers' tables or something.

F4Zi   United Kingdom. Feb 21 2008 11:06. Posts 3462

how is that balla status...

My girlfriend started blowing me and then she stopped, I went on tilt and donkey punched her. 

SolarMusic   Germany. Feb 21 2008 11:28. Posts 1218

some very big laughs in earning 500k chips on 5/10 tables......thats sick, and useless

ReSpOnSe   United States. Feb 21 2008 11:29. Posts 405

  On February 21 2008 10:06 F4Zi wrote:
how is that balla status...


Sheitan   Canada. Feb 21 2008 11:43. Posts 4217

[_] Baller
[X] Play chips

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

kNkiDDa   Germany. Feb 21 2008 13:22. Posts 83

XD in your face

Practice, Practice! 

Exhilarate   United States. Feb 21 2008 13:33. Posts 5453

I'm not at baller status, i'm just saying it's the beginning of a long grind.


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