kNkiDDa   Germany. Feb 21 2008 12:44. Posts 83
Very linear growth of my bankroll according to this graph. Actually there are about 100$ in winnings missing cuz I didn't use PokerOffice right off the start. That graph is the combination of NL25 + NL50 + NL100. Running at 8 BB /100 over the last 11000 hands while playing 4 tables. Too bad that I had to cash out some money, otherwise I would be giving NL100 a shot.
Overall I think that I am running below my expected winnings, just a feeling.
Since my post is obv a brag, here is a little something for ya:
<3 redheads,
Ship ship
0 votes
Practice, Practice!
asdf2000   United States. Feb 21 2008 16:18. Posts 7695
grats keep it up
Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right.