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Fuck donks and their suited crap

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Exhilarate   United States. Feb 29 2008 02:00. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:31

collegesucks   United States. Feb 29 2008 02:14. Posts 5780

maybe they play them because you pay them off?

Moffa   United States. Feb 29 2008 02:41. Posts 617

hard to put them on J4s in reraised pots lol.

They do help the profit though, when they shove their flush draw at you and miss. Sometimes they do hit and I suppose it kind of evens itself out that way.

Dangerous, but worth the risk. 

lachlan   Australia. Feb 29 2008 03:23. Posts 6991

its easy to spot. when they c/c in low stakes they 80%+ have flush draw

full ring 

NiTE   Croatia. Feb 29 2008 07:09. Posts 366

  On February 29 2008 02:23 lachlan_fearn wrote:
its easy to spot. when they c/c in low stakes they 80%+ have flush draw

ya, its so funny to see them call overpot bets on all streets and then fold to a normal one at river if they missed.

Have an opinion about what I said? please say it 

Fayth    Canada. Feb 29 2008 10:41. Posts 10085

just play weak tight whenever the flush comes out and villain had been check calling

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

Exhilarate   United States. Mar 03 2008 03:41. Posts 5453

Thanks for the response guys. Well, I've also experienced check/calling has been flopped sets, overpairs such as AA or KK, or various other hands. And collegesucks, I'm not really paying them off, if they overbet on a board with 3 of the same suit I'll usually fold unless i have a nut flush or a full house or better. These gay flushes usually happen in raised pots if i have QQ+ overpair, a flopped set, etc.


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