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Wynn Classic: Final Table Shipped!

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Mar 09 2008 00:32. Posts 7292
So as most of you know by now already, I won the Event #8 $1500 NLHE at the Wynn Classic last night for $98,700. This is easily by far my biggest day / tournament score / anything ever. Peachy staked me for the event so in total I made myself $49,350 which is pretty insane, and puts me up close to 75k on the year including my online wins. The final table was all I could ask for, here is how it went down:

I started with 188,500 which was good for 2nd in chips going into the final table. The chip leader was a man named Frank Kassela who had 253,000. There were 3 people hovering around 100k in chips, and the rest had around 30-40k in chips. Blinds at the final table started at 1500/3000. My game plan was simple, play a very solid / aggressive game, and don't do anything stupid. I started the first hand on the button, because that's where we left off at from the previous day. In the first hand, action got folded to Frank who was one to the right of the cut-off, and he raised to 7450. Bushman folded between us, and I look down at 87dd and pop it to 23,000 trying to send a message that it won't be wise to be opening light when I'm on the button. Everyone folds and Frank calls my 3 bet, flop comes 3d-4h-5h giving me a gutshot and a backdoor flush draw. He check/folds to my 35,000 c-bet and I move my stack above 200,000 with that pot. A couple hands later, Frank opens from UTG and I look down at QQ and repop once again to 24,000. He folds, and someone across the table makes a comment that I "came to play".

Our first bust out came when Jason Berry limped utg, and from playing with Jason all day before (he was the guy who check-called two streets with AK high vs me and check-folded the river) I knew that his hand was probably some weird marginal hands that he wanted to see a flop with. It was pretty clear he didnt know what to do for the most part, as he limped 3k from his 30k stack... Action got folded around to Bushman in the sb and he limped, and I checked my option with 64o in the big blind. Flop comes 4-4-5... ding? Bushman checks, I check, Jason shoves all-in for his last 25k. Bushman folds, and I snap call obv. Jason has A7s, and the turn drops a 2, and river drops a 8 and Jason was out in 9th. This pot moved my stack past Frank's and into the chip lead.

We played a couple orbits with me chipping up a little through a few blind steals. I noticed Frank had tighten up considerably from the previous day, although he could have been just card dead. During this time, Neal Matthews (who I described in my last blog post as the spewtard who dead straddled utg for shits and giggles) chipped up with a couple well-timed raises against Ray (Thay3r's ultra nit friend) and Chris Amarel (the loud mouth kid). Blinds had moved up to 2k/4k and Eillen Kelly found herself short stacked with 40k and chips and shoved all-in from UTG+1. Action as folded around to me and I looked at JJ... sweet. So I said "Call" without really thinking about the situation too much. This happened to be a clear mistake since both Ray and Chris were to my left in the blinds, and if I call I can't fold to either of their shoves anyways, so I should have just shoved to isolate. Well Ray, who had been the tightest player ever on Day 1 and basically folded his big blind every singe orbit to me, instantly raised all-in for 75k total from the small blind. Chris Amarel instantly jumped up from his chair and yelled "WHOA!" after looking at his hand. It was clear he had a pretty tough decision. He tanked for a good 5 minutes before folding, and I looked over at the rest of Ray's chips and told him I couldn't fold. I was really surprised when Ray turned over AQo??? Weird... he must have been sick card dead forever to decide to fight back in this spot with AQo. Eillen Kelly had 55, so I was in some absurd 200k chip flip. The board ran out K-8-3-9-8, which was such an epic hold as I knocked both Ray and Eillen out of the tournament.

That pot put me up to about 420,000 in chips which was over half the chips in play. The next elimination was Chris Bush (aka Bushman) thank the lord caz he was clearly the best player at the table, but never had enough chips to do anything. Action was folded around to Frank Kassela in the small blind who limped in? Bushman obv shoved from the big blind for 40,000 and Frank limp-calls off 36,000 more with T5o. Wtf? Bushman tabled K2o and they were in a race... until the flop came down T-5-5 leaving Bushman drawing near dead. Sweet, good play Frank! You're my hero! Bushman obv doesn't suck out and gets eliminated in 6th.

The next elimination was bitter sweet. Neal Matthews had been a thorn in my side all of Day 1, running like fucking god just to get to the final table. So when he table got 5 handed I started to pick up the pace and raise more, hoping I could get myself into the situation I was in over the summer when I won, where I had a massive stack and kept raising every hand and they just rolled over and died for me. Well Neal was the last person on earth that would let me have my way. In a hand earlier, I raised A8s from the cut-off and he called in the big blind. Flop came 3-5-9 rainbow and he check-called my c-bet. Turn dropped a 6, and we checked it through. River came a Q and he lead for pot. I thought about raising for a few minutes then dumped my hand and he showed A5 thinking he bluffed me. Well action got folded to me on the button (and at this point I was raising every button), and I look down at TT, which was like the fucking nuts to me. So I raise, and Neal obv calls from the big blind. Flop came Q-Q-T and I almost wet myself. Neal then leads for pot, and at this point I'm thinking "ROFL POOR GUY IS GONNA GET WAXED" as I flat call. Turn comes a 3, and he insta shoves and I do my fastest Phil Hellmuth snap call ever as I jump out of my seat. Neal tabled A8dd, drawing dead with a flush draw and is busted in 5th.

We were now down to 4 handed as blinds moved to 3k/6k. I raised my button, my cut-off, got a walk in the big blind, and raised my small blind before Chris Amarel decided it was enough and repopped me preflop. This was the first time someone had repopped me preflop since I 4-bet butt fucked Dutch Boyd the day before with the K8dd. Atleast someone knows how to play back. I insta folded, since obv my image was waaaaay too bad to do anything creative there and Chris was a really sick tight player for the most part. The next player we lost was Craig Rice, who was a really nice guy that I talked to all the day before. Overall, he never gave himself enough of a chance to double-up and win. He got into a flip vs Frank, AK vs 88 and ended up on the losing end, out in 4th.

A few hands later I raise KQo from the button to 15k, 3 handed and Chris Amarel shoves for his last 68k. I called and Chris tabled 88. I told him I was running too good for him to win this. So when the flop came 2-3-5, obv I was in a little shock. Wtf this isn't suppose to happen? I'm running too good to lose a flip. Turn comes a 3, and I'm still like 'huh? This is new?'... but ofcourse, river drops my King ball and eliminates Chris out in 3rd place. For as loud as he was during the final table, and the day before, he was very nice when he busted. Going into heads-up I had 550k in chips, to Frank's 250k.

Before heads-up started vs Frank Kassela

My player read on Frank was simple: He was a live donkey with a limited understanding of how to play a good game of poker. A good example of this is when he knocked out Bushman with the T5o. At the same time, I told Myth the day before that I really felt Frank was dangerous since he was very fearless, somewhat creative, and makes random bluffs. With that said, the heads-up match started very poorly for me. In the first 10 minutes, it seemed Frank was winning every hand that went to showdown. I was still very comfortable while playing him mainly because he only raised his button 50% of the time, and limped it the other half, while calling almost 100% of my button raises from the big blind. Anyone who knows anything can tell you that playing that way is a recipe to get served. It got a little frustrating that Frank was hitting all these pairs, and I was completely card dead for the first part of the heads-up match. I had dropped to 325,000 at this point and Frank had about 475,000 with most of Frank's chips coming from the following hand: I had 76dd and raised button to 18k, he calls. Flop comes Kd-4d-9s, he checks, I bet 28k he calls. Turn comes 8c, he checks and I bet 70k and he SNAP calls. So I'm like uggg get there one time? River is the Kc, he checks and I tank for a few minutes trying to decide whether or not I wanted to fire the 160k on the river, and finally came to realize that I can just give this up to him and find a better spot. So I check behind and he tables 43o...jesus christ, fucking station, my 6 and 7 were live outs too? What a sick hold

Sooooooo a few hands later... He limped the button and I checked my option with 53o. The flop came 4s-6s-7s for a flopped straight on a monotone board. I checked to Frank who bets 8,000. I check-raised to 25,000, and Frank insta-called. Turn came Qd, I lead for 60k and he SNAP calls once again. River is 2c, and I jam all-in for 255,000 into the 180,000 pot. He think for about 4 seconds then calls. I table my straight and he's is just hating his life as he shows me 8c7d for 2nd pair no kicker. Sweet stack off. He then continues to complain about how good I run for flopping a straight in a limped pot etc... This pot cripples him to just over 130k, as I had about 670k at this point. He started making some over aggro shoves all-in on top of my raises and c-bets and chipped himself back up to 180k. I was just waiting for my spot to bust him, because with the way he was playing, I definitely felt like it was coming soon. That is when I made a somewhat big mistake. He raised to 18k, and I looked down at AKs from the big blind and reraised to 54k. He insta-called my reraise and the flop came 2-4-8 rainbow. Instead of checking here, I decided to make the most retarded c-bet of my life knowing full well that he wasn't folding. I bet 75k and he insta shoved. This play was so preplanned, and I knew it. He wasn't giving my c-bets any respect at all and definitely was making plays at them all match. I thought about calling for a few minutes, but again, I decided that I can find a better spot and folded, which put him up close to 300k again.

I win a few smallish pots and chip him down to 225k, until finally I thought I had won the tournament when I had him all-in on a A-3-K-8 board. He check-raised the turn all-in for 108k more after I double barreled, and I decided to make the call with AT. He tabled A5 thinking he had the best hand? Nopez, HOLD ONE TIME DEALER!!! But it was not to be as the river dropped another 8 chopping the pot. Boo!!! We traded pots for another 10 minutes before the final hand of the tournament came up:

The board in the final hand of the tournament

I raised to 18k with Qh8c, he called from the big blind. The flop came Qc-2h-8h giving me two pair. Frank checked, I bet 25k, and Frank snap called. The turn came Jh, Frank checked, I bet 60k and Frank check-raised to 140k leaving 80k behind. I felt a little gross about this as Frank could easily have had a flush here or a hand like QJ. I still wasn't really in the mood to just make some massive laydown here esp vs a player like Frank. It got even prettier when I looked back at my hand and realized that I had the Qh. I shoved all-in and Frank snap called which made me feel pretty sick, thinking he had to have the flush to call that fast. Nope, Frank tables Jc2c like it was the nuts. I show him that he was drawing dead on the turn yet again and close my eyes. River comes a Qd!!! SHIIIPPP IITTTTT

Right after my Q8 holds on the last hand

Frank was a gracious loser, although I heard him continue to complain to his friends about how good I ran. I kind of thought it was clear that he just fucked himself in our heads-up match. We played heads-up for well over an hour, and the entire final table was over before 7:15 which was a little over 3 hours with several breaks. After signing an assload of tax forms and id shit they shipped my $98,700 in chips (obv I've never held so many 5k chips in my life) as well as my trophy. Some photographer took a bunch of pics and that was it.

Me & my sick trophy

And after that I went back to the hotel with Myth and went to sleep. No I didn't party, obv these tournaments take a toll on your head. I'm actually saving my celebration for when my friends from SD come out to Vegas next weekend anyways. I played the $2,000 NLHE today, and did not run nearly as good as I did in the $1,500. I'll write more about it tomorrow, but basically I played as well as I could for 8 hours and busted in 24th place when 18 pay. zZz Fucking Smokey and his big stack annilated my table. Ok, later!

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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 09/03/2008 00:35

KeanuReaver   United States. Mar 09 2008 00:39. Posts 2022

excellent work :D!
grats to peachy too!

and the endurance required for MMA, which has actions like punching and kicking bone and muscle with 1000-2500 PSI. - Taco 

Shenny   Canada. Mar 09 2008 00:44. Posts 1514

pull a jamie gold and go into hiding. nice score, congrats

Bigbobm   United States. Mar 09 2008 00:51. Posts 5511

grats boss

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

[vital]Myth    United States. Mar 09 2008 00:58. Posts 12159

  On March 08 2008 23:32 JonnyCosMo wrote:
I went back to the hotel with Myth and "went to sleep"


Eh, I can go a few more orbits in life, before taxes blind me out - PoorUser 

wobbly_au   Australia. Mar 09 2008 01:00. Posts 6540


The Last Laugh. 

DaTruf   United States. Mar 09 2008 01:12. Posts 398

nice my nigga, is that a puma jacket? (no matter that shit is pimp, so jealous)

 Last edit: 09/03/2008 01:23

Cro)Deadman   Croatia. Mar 09 2008 01:34. Posts 3943

wow nice writeup,great read!

congrats on the win,and good luck in the future.

P.S. I know you ain't laughin just like that in every pict,I seriously suspect you use laughing gas robbing dentists n stuff.

Metagame Purposes. 

collegesucks   United States. Mar 09 2008 02:01. Posts 5780

  On March 08 2008 23:32 JonnyCosMo wrote:
I called and Chris tabled 88. I told him I was running too good for him to win this. So when the flop came 2-3-5, obv I was in a little shock. Wtf this isn't suppose to happen? I'm running too good to lose a flip. Turn comes a 3, and I'm still like 'huh? This is new?'... but ofcourse, river drops my King ball and eliminates Chris out in 3rd place.


Loco   Canada. Mar 09 2008 02:15. Posts 20967

gratz yo

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

DooMeR   United States. Mar 09 2008 02:51. Posts 8553

gj bro. proud of u. =] asian nigger

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance, by running away from the scene of an accident. 

AcroN   Norway. Mar 09 2008 05:18. Posts 568


SneakrFreakr   United Kingdom. Mar 09 2008 05:40. Posts 2534

well done yo

i dunno maybe i misread sth but can u exaplin a bit more why u folded that AK? if i understand correctly there was like 300k in the pot and 50k more for u to call.

rivered for my fucking bankroll - NeillyJQ 

SolarMusic   Germany. Mar 09 2008 06:01. Posts 1218

  On March 09 2008 04:40 SneakrFreakr wrote:
well done yo

i dunno maybe i misread sth but can u exaplin a bit more why u folded that AK? if i understand correctly there was like 300k in the pot and 50k more for u to call.

I didn't get that either.
Very nice read, you're my hero

Cray0ns   United States. Mar 09 2008 09:52. Posts 993

Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek - soooooooo pretty.

SirBlotto   Germany. Mar 09 2008 10:19. Posts 1270

grats and this is really a sick trophy

brudman   Canada. Mar 09 2008 10:50. Posts 615

well done, gotta get rid of that necklace tho

Logiabs~   Colombia. Mar 09 2008 11:21. Posts 9133


JonnyCosMo   United States. Mar 09 2008 14:21. Posts 7292

I think I got the chip counts a little messed up. it was 140k to call when I c-bet the AK and he reshoved. And obv I tanked forever, and I just didn't feel like it was a good enough spot as folding left me about even with him in chips, and doubling him up would leave me short vs a very aggro opponent which was a spot i didnt want to be in

Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

RS_II   United States. Mar 09 2008 14:48. Posts 748

excellent write up, very detailed and appreciated. Congrats again

SKoT: I got 99 problems and a bitch aint 1 


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