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Wynn Classic: Pre Main Event

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Mar 20 2008 10:33. Posts 7292
Right now I'm back in beautiful San Diego loving life as usual. Vegas over the weekend was such a blast, as I brought out some of my closest friends from SD to come party with me on Friday. Unfortunately they didnt arrive til past midnight. Earlier in the day I had final tabled the $2,000 NLHE event at the Wynn Classic with ElkY. Our final table was a lot tougher than the final table I had in my $1,500 event. I had two pretty key highlight hands in the $2,000 event I'd like to share: First came in the 2nd level 50/100 blinds, when I was moved to a new table with Frank Rusnik (aka Round42). I've been playing pretty tight/aggressive for the most part, almost never getting too out of line. So it gets folded to me in the cut-off and I open to 300 with QcJc, the very loose button player calls me and Frank Rusnik repops it to 1050 from the small blind. I look at this and think it's such an obvious squeeze spot for him to be doing it in, plus he's been repopping people a few times in the short period of time I was sitting at the table. So I shove for 4850 total, button folds. And Frank tanks for a good 5 minutes before folding QQ. ROFL? Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick, how do I get away with such murder rofl. The second key hand came after I had acquired a big stack, I had 46,000 at 300/600 w 50 ante, action gets folded to the button who raises to 1600. I reraise to 5,200 from the small blind with QQ. Action gets back around to him and he raises all-in for 33,500 more. Ummm, gross? I don't think I've ever folded QQ with these button vs blind dynamics online, but I've noticed in these live tournaments that people who 4 bet usually have the nuts. The problem was, the guy was young and seemed to be an online player. What made it really a tough spot was that we were both top 5 chip stacks in the tournament at this point. I thought there was a good chance he could have AK here... but even then it wasn't a real good spot for me to commit on a flip. Then I asked myself if he would ship in JJ here? The answer was a clear no. With that in my head I folded after tanking for a good 5 minutes as I told the guy "I never fold this online... ever". The guy on the button turned to me and asked if I folded queens, and I nodded, and he insta had a sick look on his face as he mucked his hand. Later on he claimed he had KK there, although I'm not exactly sure if I want to trust the word of some of these guys in these tournaments, so I kind of just was like eh ok.

The bubble lasted forever, close to 3 hours to get from 18 players down to 10. During that time, it was a total roller coaster ride for me. I had an average stack right on the bubble, then ended up losing a flip, then reshipped AQ from the SB vs a button raise and he woke up with KK and held which crippled me. I found myself all-in with 14 left with 44 vs AJ. The flop came K-K-Q and I wanted to puke a little. Turn came an 8, and river was a paint card so I figured I was out... but wait it was a KING! Ship the survival one time! With 14 players still left in the tournament I saw the most absurd thing ever: The blinds were 1500/3000 and the shortest stack who had 20k in chips, opens to 12k from middle position. The button who just came to our table flat called this raise from the button as he had a 50k stack which was also short. Naturally his flat call there screamed strength so I look down at AQo in the small blind and insta-muck. Flop comes 2-5-Q rainbow and the short stack puts in his last 8k into the 32k+ pot. And the button insta folds his hand!?!?!?! HoLy sHiT can u chip dump more to this guy? Insane stupidity... I can't even imagine what hand flats there preflop and insta folds the flop. So anyways, with 10 players left the tables get reshuffled and ElkY gets moved to my right with a somewhat big stack. I had an above average stack until this huge hand: I open to 8500 at 1500/3000, and get a call from the chip leader to my left as well as the loose chip dumping moron in the small blind. The flop comes Ah-7c-6h, and the chip dumping moron leads for 10,000. I shove for 42,000 more. The chip leader behind me folds, and the chip dumping moron insta calls with 9h8h. YUUUUUCCCKKKK~!!!! So now we are flipping for a 100k+ pot, and naturally turn drops the Jh leaving me drawing dead and crippled. I fold 2 hands before shoving my last 14k in the middle with A8, and got called from the big blind with A3 which doubled me up to 33,500 just as the day ended.

ElkY and I @ Final table of the $2,000 NLHE event

The final table was over quick for me as I said in my last blog post. I picked up AJ when the other short stack shoved from the cut-off and obv I snap called and he had JJ. GG. So that night we started drinking at 10, my friends arrived and 12, and we got to Tryst at around 2:30am with a big group. Unfortunately half our group were not let pass the front door (yes that means mig's roommate Blair who was totally smashed while we chilled at Parasol Up). The rest of us had a pretty sweet time:

Me, ElkY, ElkY's french girl who was super hot, and FrinkX @ Tryst

French girl, Rekrul, and Me

Coming up next: [vital]Myth's 23rd birthday party @ TAO. LOL OH YEAH

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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 15/12/2016 15:13

bagnus   United States. Mar 20 2008 11:15. Posts 282

you are the best

iop   Sweden. Mar 20 2008 11:20. Posts 4951

Nice post cosmo

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Sheitan   Canada. Mar 20 2008 11:42. Posts 4217

Great entry, you guys look like having crazy fun

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

gawdawaful   Canada. Mar 20 2008 11:49. Posts 9012

fyi: girl in the zebra like dress has her undies showing in the 2nd to bottom pic

Im only good at poker when I run good 

Tycho   Netherlands. Mar 20 2008 11:50. Posts 1553

  On March 20 2008 10:49 gawdawaful wrote:
fyi: girl in the zebra like dress has her undies showing in the 2nd to bottom pic

zebra´s don´t wear undies

Poker is fun. 

gawdawaful   Canada. Mar 20 2008 11:53. Posts 9012

  On March 20 2008 10:50 Tycho wrote:
Show nested quote +

zebra´s don´t wear undies

are you calling her fat?

Im only good at poker when I run good 

ggplz   Sweden. Mar 20 2008 12:25. Posts 16784

cool pics
i give it an A+

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

matdon460   United States. Mar 20 2008 12:32. Posts 1089

ROFL blair is such a light weight

Of course it was a good shove, I won 

dronebabo   United States. Mar 20 2008 13:26. Posts 736

  On March 20 2008 10:49 gawdawaful wrote:
fyi: girl in the zebra like dress has her undies showing in the 2nd to bottom pic

haha i missed it completely

Kapol   Poland. Mar 20 2008 13:38. Posts 4696

  On March 20 2008 12:26 dronebabo wrote:
Show nested quote +

haha i missed it completely

Cause you were looking at the guys obv.

BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) 

JonnyCosMo   United States. Mar 20 2008 14:09. Posts 7292

  On March 20 2008 10:49 gawdawaful wrote:
fyi: girl in the zebra like dress has her undies showing in the 2nd to bottom pic


Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 


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