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Wynn Classic: Main Event Day 1

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Mar 22 2008 18:43. Posts 7292
Beep beep beep… the alarm went off at 11:30 Sunday morning, but I snoozed it til 11:50. I kicked brystmar til he woke up, since he crashed on my floor then I walked down to the tournament room. The day before I made a last longer bet with, actionDJ, and FrinkX for $100 each. I figured they were all drawing dead since I end up lasting forever in these Wynn tournaments since I run so fucking good. At noon, it was surprising how many people weren’t there for the $10,000 main event when the cards hit the air. Of the 9 players registered at my table, only me and another guy showed up on time, so we ended up trading blinds back and forth for 2 orbits. A 3rd guy sat down 10 mins later, then eventually more and more players started to filter into the tournament floor. Eric Siedel was the first player I recognized, as he took a seat to my direct left. Mike Sexton was across the table, and then Toto Leonidas sat down 2 seats to my right. They were known but not really the kind of player I feared… then a player I actually feared sat down: Travis Pearson. For those of you who don’t know, Travis plays the highest games at the Wynn and absolutely destroys them. You can ask around for some stories from people who play regularly with him, but basically I’ve heard rumors of ace-high snap calls in huge pots as he tips the dealer before the cards are even shown. Totally nasty style.

We started with 20,000 at 25/50, I chipped up to 22,000 pretty quickly then I took two huge hits 20 minutes into the first level: I picked up KK and raised to 200 utg, and got 2 callers. The flop came 3-3-4 and I lead out for 500, and the young kid called. Turn came a 4, and I lead for 1200 and once again the young kid called. At this point it felt like some pocket pair that was 55+. The river dropped a 7 and I bet 2600, and he raised to 6000. Puke =516; I folded, and he picked up the pot. A couple hands later, I play a nightmare pot that I totally screw up: UTG middle aged guy limps, I raise to 200 w AJo, and I get 2 callers behind me + the UTG limper calls. Flop comes Jc-Js-2c, and UTG guy checks, I go absolutely retarded and decide to check(?) wow worst play ever? The caller behind me bets 400, Mike Sexton folds, the UTG limper check-raises to 1400. YUCK! So here I am trying to be all deceptive and find myself stuck in a spot where anything I do is going to announce the strength of my hand. The UTG limper’s c/r also seemed really really strong to me which had me a little freaked about 22. I decided to flat call with the intention to fold to any big bet on the turn, and the original bettor behind me insta-folded. The turn dropped a 8d, and the UTG player insta-fires 4,000. This is where I should have gone with my game plan and made an easy laydown… nope! Time to dig myself a bigger hole and call =516; fuck I play so bad. River drops Qh, and he puts me all-in for 11,500. PUUUUKKKKEEE!!! If I call turn I obv should be calling river right? I rag on myself for a good 5 minutes and finally fold and leave the table to cool off. I run into brystmar and tell him what just happened and he gave me a little prep talk to un-tilt me. I took a good 5 minutes off to walk around then came back to the table only to find a new player to my right… Anna Wroblewski. For those of you who don’t know, she is an insanely spewy kind of player who ended up coolering me in a $6,000 pot at 5/10 over the summer. So naturally that kind of puts me on even sicker life tilt, especially since I get chipped down all the way to 7,500 in chips and it was still the 1st level.

Time to refocus: I picked up a few pots and moved myself back up to 9,000. Then I take a huge pot vs Travis when I made a funky play with a flush draw and happened to hit it on the river. That moved me back up to 18,000 which is where I ended the 1st level at. After the break, things picked up for me. Eric Seidel was busted by Mike Sexton, so I had him off of my left side which was nice. I made a quick move vs Mike Sexton, as he had been trying to pick on me all day, so I check-raised turn after he floated flop with obv garbage. Then I picked up AK, and got into a 3 bet pot vs him and check-raised all-in after flopping my ace. He tanked and folded. Then I made a squeeze vs the guy who took the big pot from my AJo earlier in the tournament and Anna with A9s from the big blind. I flopped my ace and busted the middle aged guy when he shoved 77 as a bluff. Ended the 2nd break at 33,000! Great success!

Anna Wroblewski in the center, you guys see me in the purple sweatshirt / black hat on her left?

After Travis busted early in the 3rd level my table broke, obv was on sick tilt as he bluffed off a lot of chips when Ryan Young was moved to our table. I had to say, Mike Sexton wasn’t very good… he was playing close to 80% of the hands dealt to him and although he was aggressive he was definitely spewy. Toto Leonidas on the other hand definitely was impressive. He played a very aggressive game, and showed down a deceptively played monster when he doubled through Mike Sexton. Other than that, he was almost never at showdown and slowly chipped up without getting into many big pots. Anna Wroblewski played a very solid tournament game, and she was pretty friendly / fun to sit next to, as she kept complaining about how tournaments suck and how she wanted to bust but no one would let her etc. She made a really awesome check-raise on the river vs this one guy when she turned middle pair into a bluff, and when the guy made a donk call with a straight (which should not have been good, but obv he doesn’t know how to read the action) she said that she ment to just call which I thought was the funniest level of all time since it was clear that she knew exactly what she was doing by bluffing him, yet cardplayer decided to report it as a ‘mistake in chip denominations’. I basically played no big pots in the 3rd level and ended the level going into dinner break with 38,000.

I took a long ass nap during dinner break, and when I came down (10 minutes late) I decided I was going to pwn bitches. Within the next hour I chipped up to about 60,000 in chips. I picked up QQ and triple barreled the only fish left at our table. Then I picked up 75s, flopped 5-5-Q and killed the poor guy who thought he could bluff me with his last 15,000 in chips. Then started to do my blind steal / running over people until 10 mins before the end of the level. I picked up QQ and raised to 700 at 100/200 blinds and got 3 callers the most active player at our table reraised to 3,200 on the button, and when action got back around to me I reraised to 10,000. When it got back around to him he shoved for 7,000 more and I snap called. He had AKo… and the board comes A-K-X-X-X and I lose a 35k flip. I then pick up KT and flop Tc-4h-2h, and get it all-in vs a short stack who had 9,000 in chips with 8h7h. He turns the flush and I am knocked down to 32,000 at the end of the 4th level which was disappointing.

The 5th level, 100/200 w 25 ante was pretty uneventful as I basically chipped up to 36,000 and folded most of the level. At the end of the level I was moved to a new table with Lee Watkinson, Vanessa Rouso, and internet pro Matt Graham. The 6th and final level of the day was pretty brutal… I was totally exhausted from the long day, and was very card dead for the most part. I basically folded my way down to 28,000 then attempted a squeeze play vs Vanessa Rouso… but she had QQ and pwned me. Was stuck down at 14,000 and opened to 1200 with 8c6c from middle position vs tight blinds without realizing that Lee Watkinson had a retardedly short stack in the small blind. He shoved for 3800 total and I puked. Then called and did a mini-fist pump when he showed 44. GET THERE! I spike an 8, win the flip, and end the day at 19,075! Such a brutal day… probably would rate my play overall as a B- (sloppy), which isn’t very good for my first $10,000 event. But I was definitely happy that I made Day 2 with enough play in my stack to redeem myself at 300/600 w 50 ante.

Went back up to my room and found the girls getting ready to go to Bellagio’s new nightclub: The Bank. Since it was their last night in Vegas, I decided to man up and go out with them. Can you guys tell how tired I am?

Next: Main Event Day 2 "The epic fail"

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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 22/03/2008 18:48

bagnus   United States. Mar 22 2008 19:09. Posts 282

you guy's are awesome

keep ballin ooc

rANDY   United Kingdom. Mar 22 2008 19:41. Posts 2223

jonny u the best blogger

veryGUd   United States. Mar 22 2008 21:03. Posts 625

great read dude
yellow pride yall

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Mar 22 2008 21:06. Posts 5230

that brunette looks adorable
still your ties are too big tho

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 22 2008 21:08. Posts 34261

is somebody staking u?

btw this time u got stuck with the uglier girls :<

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

blunt_smokr   United States. Mar 22 2008 21:10. Posts 1314

gl Jonny!

Shenny   Canada. Mar 23 2008 02:10. Posts 1514

"I took a long ass nap during dinner break, and when I came down (10 minutes late) I decided I was going to pwn bitches."

lol too good

BenGb   Canada. Mar 23 2008 12:28. Posts 421

vnice read, love those kind of report
gl on day2~



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