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Advice please

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SuperElmo   Bulgaria. Mar 24 2008 05:15. Posts 112

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I want you to hit me as hard as you can - Tyler DurdenLast edit: 24/05/2008 02:21

Ond keso   Sweden. Mar 24 2008 05:53. Posts 64

hand 1: c-bet the dreamflop. why do you call and then commit yourself on a blank turn? c-bet and get it in on the flop.

hand 2: you have to fold on the river...

hand 3: I'd c/r his weak c-bet. if he calls you have to narrow his range. look at his stats etc...

And why do you want to play better opponents when you just have a 10bi downswing? keep playing NL10 until you beat it. play fewer tables and get in to the game

ziggy54t: donkey pushes and holds Last edit: 24/03/2008 05:56

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 24 2008 06:24. Posts 9634

1 - cbet the flop and 3betshove to a raise / as played raise him to 12-16$ /
2 - you cant really put ur oppo on anyhting else .. thought ur oppo would be with a weak ace some of the times and they would actually bet that river without a spade but still as played its a clear fold
3 - raise flop ... bet turn ... shove river that minraise pf is a clear scream of " I HOLD QQ KK AA " at least in prima i've played there for some time on 20nl and people prefer to minraise pf with monsters pf .. prima is donk paradise too but its rigged and it sucks ass

if i were u i d just withdraw from prima go somewhere else

SpasticInk   Sweden. Mar 24 2008 09:00. Posts 6298

I see no reason raising hand 3 here.

and as everyone stated bet out #1 and get it in. Can't look for a much better flop, and if you get it in vs this particular hand you are slightly ahead.

hand 2 is just meh gay..


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