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Is it possible to run this fuckin bad?

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Exhilarate   United States. Apr 04 2008 03:08. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:29

locoo   Peru. Apr 04 2008 03:17. Posts 4561

chill or ull never make it, its 10 bux, many here have lost thousands on dumber shit

bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte bitteLast edit: 04/04/2008 03:17

locoo   Peru. Apr 04 2008 03:18. Posts 4561

btw on the JJ hand u were losing all the time

bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte 

Exhilarate   United States. Apr 04 2008 03:18. Posts 5453

-$310 downswing man.

Exhilarate   United States. Apr 04 2008 03:26. Posts 5453

Would you have played the hand differently? =/

goodguysm   United States. Apr 04 2008 03:29. Posts 1051

thats the most standard shit i've ever seen.
suck it up or leave

kantoiki   Australia. Apr 04 2008 03:35. Posts 3818

I click these blog titles because I want to feel better, this DOESN'T make me feel better...

muckv - i have an iq of 180 and i want someone to teach me how to take a shit IN the toilet. 

handbanana21   United States. Apr 04 2008 03:53. Posts 3037

if your down 31 buyins at the micros, you need to reevaluate your game. Thats not variance, has to be bad play

kimseongchan   United States. Apr 04 2008 04:02. Posts 2089

  On April 04 2008 02:53 handbanana21 wrote:
if your down 31 buyins at the micros, you need to reevaluate your game. Thats not variance, has to be bad play


and on the JJ hand just get it in on the flop

PplusAD   Germany. Apr 04 2008 04:18. Posts 7180

Well u can run really bad.
I f.e Had a 15 buy in DS on NL25$ twice in my life so far and also a 13buy ins DS on Nl20€
all 3 times were right before i was rolled to shoot NL50 >-<
ALl 3 times same shit ^^ I curshed the NL25 NL20€ move up to NL50 -> lose a few buyins on NL50 -> move back down -> get a ridic downswing and lose 13+ buy ins on the Limit that i curshed before i moved up

but 31 buy ins on NL10 ... thats just plain bad play for the most part for sure

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

Exhilarate   United States. Apr 04 2008 04:55. Posts 5453

Nah I moved up to 25NL, had 2x KK vs AA, which was -50$, an AK vs AT, flopped TPTK, donk rivered a T for two pair, another buyin. AA/KK vs flopped sets. The variance was crazy man.


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