I've been on lp for over 2 years, and I have 4 post! I think it's time to get a little more interactive.
I made a hands bet for april with someone (for 20 bucks lol). Lots of stipulations..
1. I am only allowed to have a 5 or less multi table ratio, he is only allowed 3.
2. I am playing 6 max nl25, he is playing nl50 heads up.
3. At the end of the month he gets 10k extra hands added.
4. If I am no longer rolled for nl25, i can move down to nl10, but can only 4 table max.
That's pretty much it.
I made a bet with another friend after i made that bet that I could play 40k in one month for $15. Is that unethical???
Well anyways, I got a slow start because we just made this bet yesterday, but I ran god for the first 2k hands!

Well thats it!