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JonnyCosMo   United States. Apr 05 2008 15:59. Posts 7292
Okay so I'm really lazy. Since the Wynn Classic I've played a total of 3,500 hands online which is pathetic. On top of that, I can't bring myself to write up another epic blog post about my Day 2 of the Main Event at the Wynn, nor can I bring myself to write up the billion other things that are going on in my life right now. So this is going to be a very quick, to the point, cliff noted version of everything I want to say. Enjoy:

Day 2 of the 10k Main Event @ Wynn Classic:

10 minutes into the day I chipped up a little bit from 19k to 24k, then I double up when I raise JJ, flop K-Q-J and turn K vs guy's AQ. I basically made a 1/8th pot bet on the turn and he shoved. Ty ship it. Played a bunch of small pots and slowly chipped up, until finally it all came crashing to an end. My stack was 58k when blinds were at 600/1200. I had been kind of card dead for a while, so I just been folding a lot. I picked up 98ss in UTG+2 and look over at the blinds who were super weak/tight nits, given that I thought my raise would look real strong since I've been folding a lot I popped it up to 3200. Action was folded around to a young kid who I was told plays a lot online, I think Darren Elies was his name, who flat called on the button with a 100k+ stack. He had been fairly tight/aggressive but played a lot of pots in position, so I suspected his preflop call was probably looser than normal with the intention to take the pot away from me in position since he probably viewed me as tight/solid/trappy. Everyone else folded, and the flop came Kh-6d-4h. I went to c-bet then realized this was exactly the type of flop texture this guy would float / raise to try and get me off of my hand. Instead, I decided to check (given he has seen me be trappy with some big hands earlier, using a similar line). He hesitated a bit then checked behind. Turn came As. I lead out for 5500, he counted out his chips and made a pretty quick call. At this point I thought his range was very wide, from a bunch of float type hands calling to bluff the river, to a bunch of marginal hands one pair hands that he just wants to call down with and get to showdown. The river came 7c. I checked, and he didn't take long before firing 15,000 into the 19,000 pot. I took my time, counted out my chips, waited a good 2 minutes and thought through folding vs shoving. In my head I couldn't put him on a hand that could call if I shoved, infact my gut was screaming to shove. And I had been following my gut in every decision up to this point, and my gut had not failed me yet. "Did you know that you have more nerve endings in your gut than you do in your head? Look it up!" -Steve Colbert. Finally I came to the decision to fire it in. In a calm manner, I looked up at the dealer and said "all-in" as the dealer counted out 34,000 more for Darren to call. As soon as I shoved, Darren grunted and pushed himself away from the table. Well that's a good sign! Atleast he didn't snap call lol. After a minute he stood up and stared at the board and then back at his stack. I sat there trying to be as relaxed as possible, as my heart was racing faster and faster the longer he took to make the decision. Finally he sat down and counted out 34,000 and rechecked his stack seeing that he had about 45,000 behind if he called and was wrong. I started to get this sick feeling in my stomach... he's going to hero call me... oh no. Finally after a few minutes Darren pushed the 34k call in and flipped up K7o for an obscure rivered two pair. I mucked and insta left the table. Spent all night thinking about the hand, and I really feel like I'm still comfortable with the play itself but there are some other factors I should have considered: It didn't threaten his tournament life. He had me well covered, and I'm pretty sure this was a key reason why he called, he saw that he had room to continue to grind if he was wrong. Also, the type of player Darren was. He was willing to play pretty loose in position and to do that you need to be making some good reads / call downs from time to time. This play would have been much better vs a nit than vs a smart online player capable of thinking on multiple levels.

...Myth brought up a funny point though: "He didn't read you on a bluff, He thought he sucked out on you on the river." And if that is the case, then I feel really sick because K7o on that board given that action is exactly a bluff catcher, and if he didn't realize that then I just got 3 outed on the river lol. But I really have no reason to believe he misunderstands the game that badly. Just another good player making a good call down in a really critical spot in the tournament, so my hats off to his sick bluff catch.

That tuesday night was St. Patty's day... and since I busted from the main event earlier I went on massive drunken tilt. We went to O'Shea's and played some beer pong. Played some drunken 1-3 NL at the Wynn, and basically went wild on the strip. Standard night. Here is a video of actionDJ and I doing a boat race for $50, and Lyric laughing his ass off in the background. Derric won but cheated obv because he fucking spilled half his beer on his shirt:

Came back to SD and been chilling with my friends and getting my shit together (with taxes and investments and such). Put a good portion of my tournament winnings into CD's at the bank and the rest into a money market account. Been doing a fuck ton of shopping, and now I understand why girls like to shop. It's kind of fun buying shit for yourself. Leaving back to Vegas in 5 hours for the WPT Championships. I ment to leave Friday night but got stuck for another day in SD so now I'm leaving tonight with Rekrul. Going to grind cash games when I get there then get some sleep for the $2,000 event tomorrow. For those wondering: I plan on winning it. I run too good on peachy's money to not win. Ez game. One more time baby! GOGOGO!!!

PS: Made the biggest hustle of a prop bet ever vs Rekrul. I bet him he can't drink a sip of alcohol til the 18th of April (when ElkY gets back into Vegas) for $1,000. Ship it ez? He won't make it past tomorrow.

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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 05/04/2008 16:48

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 05 2008 16:12. Posts 16784


if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Sixpeppers   United States. Apr 05 2008 16:53. Posts 179

I actually spilt way too much of that beer down my shirt. But I would've won anywayz. I always win. :D

Your a towel 

pinbaLL    Sweden. Apr 05 2008 17:43. Posts 7243

sweet blog, gl tomorrow

sixpeppers pwnage!

hkbubbletea   Canada. Apr 05 2008 20:56. Posts 1575

nice blog entry. I always enjoy reading them. That prop bet with rekrul is a sick hustle but now he might have to destroy the cash game tables to make up for the lack of drinking.

Raise me and die. 


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