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Bellagio: Event #1 - Brb Quitting Life

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Apr 07 2008 03:56. Posts 7292
Arrived in Vegas last night and played a 5 hour 5/10 session. I thought I played pretty well for the most part, just couldn't pick up anything big. Got KK cracked, QQ cracked, and basically won the blinds with the AA I picked up. Most of the money I got came in some sweet bluffs than I ran. Ended the session down $175 which is kind of like breaking even, so that's fine. Came back up to my room to find RaiNKhaN, Rekrul, FrinkX, Lisa, Raidan909, and 2 of Raidan's friends playing chinese for $20 a point. RaiNKhaN and FrinkX were teaming up to set up there hand. I watched while waiting for room service to bring my pizza. I don't get it Chinese is so weird.

Woke up this morning to play the $2k event, and as expected I ran like absolute god with my table draw. We started at 4,000 starting stacks, and I chipped up to 8,000 in the first hour. The second hour was a little cold and I dropped to 6,500. Coming back from the first break I picked up KK and 100/200 and got all-in vs Q8 on a J-9-3 board. Turn 4, river 2, sick hold for my double up. That got me up to about 13,000 then I had my epic suck out (as expected once again): Blinds were 100/200 and Mark Seif was playing like a fucking monkey. Earlier he called 2,200 chips from his 5,000 stack with 76s and flopped an open ended draw, then got there to double up. He started the hand with 9,000 and limped under the gun. Someone else limps in middle position and I once again pick up KK and pop it to 1,000. Mark Seif snap calls and the other guy calls as well. Flop comes 5c-6d-7d, and they both check to me as I bet 2500. Mark Seif shoves for his last 8,000 total and the other guy folds. I fucking snap call / beat his ass into the pot and tabled KK. He turns over 66... fucking unreal how these live donks run sometimes. Oh wait, turn KING ship it!!! River bricked and I busted out Mark Seif on a two outer. He is probably going to go whine to his other live donk friends about how some internet kid 2 outted him without realizing how bad of a leak his preflop call is. Whatever, that gets me up to 20k+ at 100/200 w 25 antes. A few orbits later another lagtard moron decides it's a good time to donate yet another 10,000 chips to my stack as he ships in 76 on a J-7-4 board vs my AJ. After another sick hold I'm up to 32,000. Good game sir.

From here it was it was cruise control. Blinds moved up to 200/400, when there were about 90 some players left, and it was during this level that there was a bust out at one of the tables almost once or twice every minute. I basically moved up and down between 26,000-34,000 during this time playing only small pots and keeping myself above average stack in chips. Finally at the end of the 300/600 level I decided to play some long ball vs some tight young asian kid to my right. Button limped, the asian kid in the sb sensed weakness and made it 3k. I flat called in the big blind with QTo / the intention to shit all over him. The button folds, and flop came down 3-5-9 w 2 hearts. Asian kid lead for 5,500 and I make it 14,000. He tanks for a while then folds and I proceed to table the hand face up. Probably a mistake on my part, since I was winning almost every pot without showdown and playing a real risk free game up til that point. Meh, so with 27 players left we reshuffled tables and all the players that saw the bluff were moved elsewhere. I had a 40,000 stack and made decided to make an ackward bluff where I had Ad9d and flopped 4c-9s-Qh in a 4 way pot. It was checked to the aggressive player in position who bet 1/2 pot. I called thinking A9 was the best hand in this spot and everyone else folded. Turn came down a 7h and I checked and the guy checked behind. River came a 2h, and I checked and he tanked for a bit then bet 6,000 into a 17,000+ pot which seemed to make sense with something like a QX hand. I figured he wasnt thinking hard enough to make a value bet with worse than A9 here, and didn't have a set or two pair type hand. He also seemed to be giving me a lot of respect for the most part, so I decided to turn the A9 into a bluff and check/raised river to 18,000. He insta shoved, and I puked and folded as he showed Ah5h for the backdoor nut flush. Gross That knocked me down to about 16,000 at 400/800 blinds. From there I played some ninja style short stack poker until we got to the bubble...

19 players left, the bubble lasts a fucking solid 45 minutes. Jean Robert Bellende, who talked like a moron, was at my table and seemed to be playing a surprising good bubble game. He was very aggressive, picking up pot after pot and putting a lot of pressure on the obvious nits who were just waiting to squeeze into the money. Men the Master was on life support at like 6,000 in chips... and basically was folding every hand, giving himself no shot to steal blinds / double up etc. The most unreal nit ever. And then I watch this happen: The old guy to my right has 10,000 at the start of this hand, it gets folded to the button who opens for 2200, and this old guy flat calls AKo from the big blind. Flop comes 9-9-4 and he fucking check-folds. 2 hands later he proceeds to pick up JJ and doubled through A8 back up to 18,000. No justice in this game. Finally with blinds increased to 600/1200, UTG raises to 3600, and I look down at TT in the big blind and re-ship my last 16,000 all-in. UTG tanks for a while then calls and tables AKo. HOOOOOLLLDDDD!!! .... But it was not to be this time. Flop came down A-4-5, turn 8, river 3 and I went out as the bubble boy in 19th place. /wrists, brb jumping off a bridge...

...k back. Tomorrow is the $2500 event, hoping for a little better luck than today. :-P

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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

Moffa   United States. Apr 07 2008 04:09. Posts 617

tough luck today, gl tomorrow

Dangerous, but worth the risk. 

ChoboPokeR_r   Germany. Apr 07 2008 04:13. Posts 4598

--- Nuked ---

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had? 

SashineK   Czech Republic. Apr 07 2008 04:43. Posts 24

nice post. gl

cariadon   Estonia. Apr 07 2008 06:56. Posts 4019

i dislike your A9 hand so much its gross. check/calling = or > check/folding > check/raising

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 07 2008 07:19. Posts 9634

damn thats just unlucky well i guess u ll win next event so kknp about the bubble boy

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 07 2008 08:14. Posts 16784

yeah the A9 was played pretty poorly, really hate the river line too (dont turn into marshall!)

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 


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