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Getting in Shape

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Benzooor   United States. Apr 08 2008 11:55. Posts 630
So this weekend I was hanging out with a bunch of buddies from high school and they are all in shape and while I'm not that out of shape, I haven't exercised regularly in over a year.

So yesterday I started by doing a 30 min walk with my GF and that is nothing special at all, but it's better than sitting on the couch.

I've given myself rules, hopefully to get myself in shape both physically and pokerly -- on my days off, before I start playing, I am going to make myself do two things:

a) eat
b) run

Today I ran for ~25-30 minutes, ended up running about 3 miles and it fucked me up so bad. I was really disgusted. When I was just out of high school and working at the airport I was able to run 10 miles and be tired but not like wheezing-going-to-puke tired like I was today. It was pretty inspiring though, esp cuz I went out and bought 75$ worth of under-armor running clothes which are so baller.

Poker is going fairly well, I am going to have to cash out some money before rent this month because I'm paying back all of my debt. Basically I am going to leave myself a nice 25bi roll and cash out profits until I have my credit card / debt to my parents paid off. Depending on how I run // how many hands I can put in, this should only take a month or two (I have around ~4k$ in debt that I want to pay off).

Most important news here is that I think I would like to get a couple of hours of coaching for 200NL. I am beating the limit but not like I want to, and I feel there must be some leaks in my game that I am not noticing. I don't want to pay that much, but if maybe a 200NL or 400NL winning reg would do like an hour or two of coaching with like 50% profit, or maybe just 100$/hr would be good? PM me if you are interested!

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