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JonnyCosMo   United States. Apr 11 2008 04:53. Posts 7292
title says it all. I've come to realize that there arent very many good players that can play poker even close to decently well. I played the $3,000 event on Tuesday and get knocked out in the 2nd level after Micheal Mizrachi thinks it's a good idea to 3 bet me with 74o and then ends up calling a 3/4 bet on the turn to hit a gut shot. I took a nap after that event and played some 5/10 from 6:00pm to 2:00am. Needless to say, I absolutely raped bitches. Came up $4660 in the session which contained one fairly epic / note-worthy hand I played:

This british guy and I are going at it, I get 3 streets of value from him with AA on a 2-6-7-J-9 board after he calls a $600 bet on the river with 98. I proceed to rape him even more after he turns a straight on me with KJ on a 5d-Td-Qc-9d board, but he slowplays and I check behind ATss, river comes 7d and he checks his straight w/o a diamond and I turn my hand into a bluff and piss all over him when he folds. He then starts to raise $60 instead of $40 everytime it's my big blind. So finally he makes it $60 and I look down at J7dd in the big blind and make a sloppy call just to play a pot with him. Flop comes 4h-8s-Js, I check and he bets $80, I check-raise to $240 and he makes a quick call. Turn comes Kh, I check and he checks behind. River comes 5h, and I bet $300 for value since he was a sick station that could easily pay me off with worse here. He takes about 5 seconds and then shoves all-in for $1200 total. LOL? So I go over the situation and ask for a count, and it's about $900 more for me to call. I quickly realize that it is either a bluff or a backdoor flush since this tard wasnt capable of any type of thin value raise with this line, and he'd bet the turn with 2pr or a set. I tanked for about 5 minutes, and then made the call. He taps the table saying 'good call' and mucks, and I table my J7dd... [vital]Myth is across the table and instantly goes 'HOLY SHIT OMFG COSMO UR MY HEROOOOO' Then txts me the same thing about an hour later to confirm my his belief in my heroism.

Played the $5,000 event today, 132 players entered. LOL jokes... 1st hand I pick up KK, UTG old guy raises to 150, I reraise to 550, gets back around to him, he makes it 2500. I puke. With 10,000 starting stacks I figured there are better spots than to be shipping in 200bbs vs a complete unknown the 1st hand of a $5,000 event. I fold and he shows KK. Sick, whatever... 20 mins later I flop a pair + flush draw and brick the river losing about another 4,000 chips. I end the first break at 7,600 in chips. Get back from break and chip up to 10,000 again then get all-in QQ vs AT on a ten high board. It holds and I'm up to 20,000. Steal some blinds and bluff a big pot vs Frank (the guy I went heads-up vs at the Wynn Classic) to get myself up to a healthy 30,000 in chips at 100/200 blinds. FrinkX gets moved to my table and insta rapes bitches, going from 20,000 to 40,000+ after 5 betting all-in vs some guy who folded after getting 3.5 to 1 on a call after 4 betting. Sweet play. Our table had to be one of the easiest tables in the tournament. Tuan Le was across from me and the only other notable player worth mentioning was Danny Wong who was seated directly to my left. From what I heard, Danny Wong is suppose to be a sick good tournament player with tons of sucess and huge scores. I definitly got to witness some gosu ninja short stacking on his part, as he kept himself alive between 5bbs-10bbs for over an hour before doubling up to 20bbs and getting back into the hunt with another double up a little while later. When blinds got to 200/400, things went to shit for both me and FrinkX:

UTG (stack size: 12,000 total) opens for 1400, Tuan Le (stack size: 14,000 total) flat calls. FrinkX (monster stack / has both covered) pops it up to 5,500. UTG flat calls (lol) and Tuan Le overcalls (wat?). Flop comes 2d-5s-Jd, and UTG shoves, Tuan shoves, and FrinkX obv insta-calls both short stack tards with KK. UTG has AJ, and Tuan Le has ATdd (ROFL? Nice preflop call dumbass?). Turn bricks 8s, river comes 3d... fucking so sick. Huge 40k+ pot gets shipped to Tuan Le. FrinkX proceeds to order a much needed vodka redbull. As for me, I mix it up with Danny Wong. Why? Because I can. In the $2,000 event I bubbled I was pissing all over him, and ended up bluffing him off a huge pot with QT high. He basically had been giving me a lot of respect, waiting for a spot to pick me off. Unfortunately for him, I have been holding the cards over him for the past few days, and have won almost every pot we've played. So far in the tournament I had check-raised him twice all-in (once as a bluff, and once with two pair). So it gets folded to me in the small blind and I pop it up to 1200 with Q8o. He flat calls in the big blind and the flop comes Qc-3s-2c. I check, he bets 2,000 and I check-raise all-in for 12,000 more. LOL overbet shove ftw~!!! Danny Wong instantly looks at me and starts tanking for what seemed like forever. He started saying things like "This looks so drawy" "This can only be a draw" "Flush draw?" "Do you want a call?" and asking me all these question. After 5 or so minutes Danny picks up his hand looking like he was going to fold when all of the sudden FrinkX steps in and saves the fucking day: "CLOCK!!!" he yells at the dealer. LOL~!!! Danny then brings his hand back and the floor guy starts a clock on him. Danny rethinks over the hand and seems to be rushed, as with about 15 seconds left he made the call and turned over A3. HOLD ONE TIME DEALER!!! Turn came an Ace, and I totally puked River dropped a 5 and I lost a 30k pot to him, dropping me down to about 16,000. So so sick. Other than this hand though, I was impressed with Danny Wong's dicipline and patience as he never really made any big mistakes if you ignore this blow-up call.

FrinkX proceeds to run a set into Danny Wongs rivered straight and finally busts out when he runs KT vs Tuan Le's A5 and doesn't get there. I continue to run like dog shit, getting all my chips in with AJ on a A-9-3-9 board vs the big fishes A5. River 9. Fuck my life! After that, nothing seemed to be working out for me. I repopped with AJ and the nit shoves on me so I fold and leave myself with 10,000 as blinds moved up to 400/800. Finally my last hand, I raise to 3,000 with AQ, and some big fish calls out of the small blind. Flop comes 3s-5s-8s, and the guy checks, I recheck my hand and find I have the Q of spades, so I shove. Guy in the blind has A9ss for the flopped nuts. I'm drawing dead, gg my life. Lyric was still in when I busted but got all-in with AK vs AQ... Q on river. So sick. [vital]Myth gets it all-in w/ top pair vs some donk who limp-calls his raise with 93 suited and flops a flush draw. Flush draw gets there. How are tournament players so bad? It's amazing. Lyric tells me later that his tables had some of the softest players he's played with in a while. Ironic since we over hear some live pros talking earlier about how these fields in the prelim events are some of the toughest on the tournament circuit? Wat? R U JOKING?

Here are some live pros who totally suck at this game:

JC Tran (Plays every hand. Limp-calls a fuck ton. Calls off %75 of his stack with 66 vs a nit then proceeds to shove an ace high flop as a bluff and is surprised when he's called by AK, and justifys his play by saying that he put the guy on QQ... So you called off 75% of your stack to bluff someone off of QQ? Obv genius)
Micheal Mizrachi (Plays 80% of his hands then 3 bets 74o expecting to get respect? Then fails to c-bet a beautiful flop, then proceeds to call off half his stack when he improves to a gut-shot)
Tuan Le (Overcalls ATdd for 1/4 of his stack and acts like it's standard. LOL?)
Eugene Todd (Flat calls 77 for 1/4 of his stack, saying that he put the guy on a big hand and that he had to set mine)
Mike Sexton (Old and dumb in general. I have too many examples of his general stupidity. He's a real nice guy thou!)
Mark Seif (Limp calls a fuck ton of hands. Called off 1/2 of his stack with 76 suited and thought it was standard. Yes you read it right, I just said he called off half his stack preflop with 76 suited. For value?)
Ted Lawson (LOL @ Bet sizing tells, and old man passiveness syndrome)
David Plastik (Loves that limp-call, and the zero c-bet flop frequency when he misses)

I'll add more names to this list as they come. So far these are people I've played with and have been very unimpressed with their knowledge of what they are doing. Went back to cash games tonight, got set over setted and only lost $400? On top of that I was totally card dead for about 3 hours and was stuck as low as $1900 on the night. But when your entire table plays with their cards on their forehead, it's pretty easy to grind some profit without showdowns. Finally I flop a set and get paid off by top pair for a $3,000 pot which puts me up $420 on the night. How are people so bad live? It's amazing

End rant.

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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 11/04/2008 04:55

Ket    United Kingdom. Apr 11 2008 05:25. Posts 8665

sounds about right. if only there was some way to play 500+ hands an hr live instead of 30 id never play online again

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Apr 11 2008 05:26. Posts 5230

yea I wish I could multitable live games
Cool blogpost cosmo ; glgl

Ftrunkz   Australia. Apr 11 2008 05:26. Posts 384

It's funny how little respect live players have for internet players when they're so bad =P I wonder if a few years from now they'll realize how much the (good) online players dominate them?

y x x a x x x rb x x rb x x y 

jase   Australia. Apr 11 2008 05:40. Posts 1604

mizrachi was horrible on poker after dark too

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 11 2008 05:46. Posts 34261

  On April 11 2008 04:26 Ftrunkz wrote:
It's funny how little respect live players have for internet players when they're so bad =P I wonder if a few years from now they'll realize how much the (good) online players dominate them?

Doyle is about to find out

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 11 2008 06:20. Posts 16784

cool post
lol@live donks :D

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

pinbaLL    Sweden. Apr 11 2008 07:16. Posts 7243

  [vital]Myth is across the table and instantly goes 'HOLY SHIT OMFG COSMO UR MY HEROOOOO' Then txts me the same thing about an hour later to confirm my his belief in my heroism.


nolan   Ireland. Apr 11 2008 09:29. Posts 6205

  On April 11 2008 04:25 Ket wrote:
sounds about right. if only there was some way to play 500+ hands an hr live instead of 30 id never play online again

say this to myself like daily

On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid 

devon06atX   Canada. Apr 11 2008 09:30. Posts 5459

--- Nuked ---

nutshot   United States. Apr 11 2008 10:40. Posts 4539

  On April 11 2008 03:53 JonnyCosMo wrote:
After 5 or so minutes Danny picks up his hand looking like he was going to fold when all of the sudden FrinkX steps in and saves the fucking day: "CLOCK!!!" he yells at the dealer. LOL~!!! Danny then brings his hand back and the floor guy starts a clock on him. Danny rethinks over the hand and seems to be rushed, as with about 15 seconds left he made the call and turned over A3. HOLD ONE TIME DEALER!!! Turn came an Ace, and I totally puked

collusion karma FTL

BJLTNYK: d00000000000000000000000000000000000000d 

hkbubbletea   Canada. Apr 11 2008 11:15. Posts 1575

  On April 11 2008 04:25 Ket wrote:
sounds about right. if only there was some way to play 500+ hands an hr live instead of 30 id never play online again

Have them pull up three tables like petals on a flower and you can sit on a swivel chair to spin around and play! I'm sure eventually the new electronic tables will allow you to multi-table.

Raise me and die. 

k2o4   United States. Apr 11 2008 11:54. Posts 4803

great read 

Bejamin1   Canada. Apr 11 2008 13:14. Posts 7042

Good Read! Hero <3

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

RaiNKhAN    United States. Apr 11 2008 14:13. Posts 4080

i don't think it's fair to say J.C. Tran is a donk cosmo. sure it was retarded to do that with 66 but i mean come on, saying he is bad is like saying u are better than him which i can confidently attest that almost no one will agree with you.

The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet! 

Fayth    Canada. Apr 11 2008 15:17. Posts 10085

Well khan, his thinking process in what jonny cosmo described was pretty fucking stupid, how does he put his opp on QQ and calls 75% of his stack? He suddenly decided he had QQ postflop once the Ace spiked? :/

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

BenGb   Canada. Apr 11 2008 15:27. Posts 421

nice read


FrinkX   United States. Apr 11 2008 15:29. Posts 7561

all of the live pros minus a very select few have been unreal horrible at poker

every single online tourney player at bellagio knows this

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

TenBagger   United States. Apr 11 2008 17:57. Posts 2018

very nice read,

frinx/cosmo, care to share who are the "select few" among the live pros that you've seen that you thought were good? How about guys like David Pham or Men Nguyen who consistently make final tables? I can understand guys like Seif being bad since he luckboxed a few tourneys and hasn't put up consistent results since. But it is surprising to see JC up there since it seems like he consistently makes final tables. Curious to see how other consistent performers such as the dragon or the master compare.


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