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franchise   United States. Apr 12 2008 06:06. Posts 25
OK so its 7:32AM and I have been up for 21 hours straight. I've been drunk since midnite so wtf why am i not tired?
Today I skipped class (obv) and posted up from like 2PM-12midnite, i played exactly 588 hands of poker and won like 12k. Now two tangents:
1) Winning alot of money online gets old so fast. I used to not appreciate the money I would make in one day of concerted efforts while grinding online, but I think the best remedy for that is to play live alot. This is because it is harder to grasp losing (and i suppose winning) whatever live when you are actually paid in cash. And you realize it is harder for people to put that money in on the stone-bluff when they can look you in the eye. I personally love playing live and would say I'm way better live than online but that is a beat point to make imo, as live players are never as fundamentally solid as online players, and havn't played enough hands to really judge anything. Also, I feel like people are at a disadvantage because I am already thinking of how people will react to almost everything that I do, so I know when to look for signs of weakness/strength etc etc. Basically the point I am trying to make is that, as a seasoned internet player, I know how the game flows, to a certain extent, and understand the variables well enough to know when specific instances in which they are in action, and how to counterstrategize vs this. Anyways, /rant. The value of that new money when you're stuck in Vegas is different, it becomes more rational to spend that new money on exorbitant things or a huge-ballin night in the club. But when I win online it's just a minor % change of a number. Not so balla imo.
2) Ugh I only recently realized that I have gotten dumber since high school. I used to be a spectacular writer but now I feel like I am pulling teeth trying to find the right words. I guess there is value in going to a real school so your skills can be honed. Case-in-point, this Thursday morning a drunken me learns that I have a midterm in my 400-level Environmental Econ class. Now, I've been to class twice since the first midterm, but w/e. So ofc I'm like wow I should go to bed and wake up early and study. So ofc I wake up 1hr before the exam and basically take it cold turkey, and def got in the top quartile, prob the top decile. I can't help but abuse these gifts, it seems. Now I suppose my decision to quit school is probably best for me at this point in my life because I potentially am an incredible student, but right now I just don't care for it. I'm not even close to reaching my potential in this arena, which in a sense pisses me off greatly. I think I should just come back when I can put more than 20% into it. One thing I am considering is applying to an actual good school at some point in the relative near-future, and using my poker career as the bulk of my resume. How do yall think that will go?

This blog post reminds me of the movie Babel, which I just watched. At the end, I couldn't help but think that the movie was just a bunch of randomly strewn together events with no real meaningful connection or intended purpose, except to make you sad maybe?

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C0n5pir4cy   New Zealand. Apr 12 2008 06:22. Posts 1270

up for 21 hours sick life

failsafe   United States. Apr 12 2008 09:04. Posts 1040

yeah, babel is horrible. yeah, you should drop out of school. no, a good school probably won't accept you on your poker resume alone unless you really grind them with other skills to complement or become a huge public figure in poker.

acdawg712   United States. Apr 12 2008 14:14. Posts 2639

hey where do you go to school?

phil hellmuth is genuinely a stupid person and he does not understand poker very well at all - [vital]myth 

bagnus   United States. Apr 13 2008 22:54. Posts 282

"This blog post reminds me of the movie Babel, which I just watched. At the end, I couldn't help but think that the movie was just a bunch of randomly strewn together events with no real meaningful connection or intended purpose, except to make you sad maybe?"



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