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6 hrs -3 1/2 bi

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Heath_at_Uk1   United States. Apr 14 2008 23:58. Posts 171
Played for about 6 hours once I got home today, I actually had today off from work, but was at the hospital for ~10 hours, as my mom was having some kind of surgery. I wouldn't have played this long except I was chasing my losses.

Donked off like 8 buyins in first hour and 1/2, then proceeded to start playing solid poker and climbing my way back. First hour and a half I was playing way too loose, limping with hands that I shouldn't have, and just all around playing bad. Got some advice from some peeps on my last blog entry, and once I read those, I decided to tighten up.

Still have some questions on some hands that I know played badly, or i could have got more value on, but I'll post those tomorrow, got to get some sleep now.

Got tomorrow off from work as well, so I'm hoping for a ~ 2.5k hand day or so, We'll see anyway. Need to write myself a message reminding me not to throw away 8 buyins in an hour again lol.

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