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sick movies

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CamilaPunt   Brasil. Apr 19 2008 10:45. Posts 2422
I say sick in the true meaning of the word, what the hell is up with the extremely violent and sick movies hollywood is dishing out. It's like a competition to see which movie can be sicker.

I've recently watched and will comment on them without any spoilers, as if u watch the trailer u will surely see what i say:
Untraceable: where we see a guy dying through use of acid, of extremely slow burns and other great stuff.
Funny Games: where 2 kids for fun go house to house fucking with families, and this director apparently wants to pull a kubrick and act like its art.
Death Sentence: a film where a son gets killed for the hell of it by a gang and then the dad becomes the ultimate bad ass.
Can't remember what other garbage I watched but there is plenty more.

I know some people will tell me just to not watch them, but I am not against violence I just think that if a movie has these kind of stuff that it should be with a good purpose and these last movies I've watched suck and use the violent gore element as an attraction to stupid kids who like to see that stuff.

You would think that with the weekly shootings at universities and shit in the states that these kind of stuff would not be getting a good repercussion anymore...

world is messed up man

on a bright note, watched 21 last night and thought it was pretty good except for the ending but whatever... yackati yack

to end, heres a good poker song and good song in gen

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 Last edit: 19/04/2008 11:06

Feiticeira   United Kingdom. Apr 19 2008 11:29. Posts 3047

check out Takashi Miike movies

Ichi the Killer will blow your mind

try Irrevérsible too

The weird thing is I think McCain will win this. Im 100% certain Obama wont be elected and you guys can mark my words - Sheitan 


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