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Fuck it

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Heath_at_Uk1   United States. Apr 20 2008 01:35. Posts 171
I can't be this bad, it's just not fucking possible. Haven't blogged last few days because I felt pathetic putting my fucking losing days up. I've tried nitting it up, that didn't fucking work, proceeded to get KK in against AA 3 times in 1 1.5k hand session, not to mention all the times I'd get AA and KK in good against total trash and lose. I hate fucking whining but I'm down about 17 buyins at NL5 over like 9k hands. I'm incredibly fucking close to just taking the remainder of my deposit to some tournaments and donking it up. Might lose just the same, but i might get more enjoyment than I am now. Ill update tomorrow on what i decided to fucking do.

On a happier Note, I won 600 Bux on a 1 dollar Pick 3 ticket in the kylotto the other day lol.

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jase   Australia. Apr 20 2008 01:49. Posts 1604

it'll turn around, seriously, i went through the exact same thing, had myself questioning my game and considering cashing out

nl5 is such a shit level, the players there have moved up from nl2 and they all think they can make hero calls and shit, its the worst. you'll get through it.

if your BR is above ~$150 and you think you're confident in your game you should consider taking a 3 BI shot at nl10

redrain0125   Canada. Apr 20 2008 02:17. Posts 5455

lolololol ru srs? why do yo blame it on setups

Heath_at_Uk1   United States. Apr 20 2008 02:30. Posts 171

yeah I'm fucking srs. I blame it on setups cause I'd at least be fucking EV if not for all that I've faced. I'll post HH's sooner or later, prolly once I'm busto, so I can analyze the fucking shit.

JoeDeertay   United States. Apr 20 2008 02:32. Posts 1730

um, taking a 3BI hot at 10NL while running bad at 5NL (especially on a 17BI downswing) is generally not a good idea. A better idea may be to even drop to 2NL and just play through the downswing there, trying to find any possible leaks in your game, etc, and moving back up when you feel you are running better/playing better again. IMO a 17BI downswing at a level like 5NL can probably be contributed to leaks as much as variance, if not more, so finding these problems and taking care of them is very important. You also have to realize that bad swings happen and that sometimes you just have to play through them or else you will never recover.

Variance has a big brother named doomswitch. - edzwoo 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Apr 20 2008 02:32. Posts 5647

standard 17 buy-in downswing, don't sweat it. 10 bad beats in a row happens, then that makes you question yourself and 'try out new things' which other people call tilt and you lose the other 7. np.

just get back to playing what you think is optimal for your tables

Heath_at_Uk1   United States. Apr 20 2008 02:35. Posts 171

Thanks for the encouragement guys, and I know I have some leaks, and probably will try the 2NL, if for nothing else, just to try and get some confidence back.

Bejamin1   Canada. Apr 20 2008 05:54. Posts 7042

You can't lose 17 buy-ins in 9k hands at 5NL without doing something horribly wrong. It is likely that you are paying off at times where you should not be.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

SPEWTARD   Peru. Apr 20 2008 07:28. Posts 4306

  On April 20 2008 04:54 Bejamin1 wrote:
You can't lose 17 buy-ins in 9k hands at 5NL without doing something horribly wrong. It is likely that you are paying off at times where you should not be.

Rise and Shine 

collegesucks   United States. Apr 20 2008 09:50. Posts 5780

  On April 20 2008 00:35 Heath_at_Uk1 wrote:
On a happier Note, I won 600 Bux on a 1 dollar Pick 3 ticket in the kylotto the other day lol.

lol... the idiot tax

the other day, I had to wait behind a morbidly obese black woman buying a 64 oz. icee and a lottery ticket at the gas station. more than anything else about her, the fact that she was paying something like 10 bucks for the lottery ticket really grossed me out.

Tav303   United States. Apr 20 2008 11:16. Posts 16

dude, I'm in the exact same situation, i'm down like 14 buy ins in 7.5k hands, i'm down to like 19 buy ins, I moved down to nl2 just to wait out this downswing. I'm hoping it will get over with soon, but man it fucking pisses me off too when shit like KK to AA happens multiple times. keep us posted with whats happening in the next couple of days.

Heath_at_Uk1   United States. Apr 20 2008 12:34. Posts 171

  On April 20 2008 08:50 collegesucks wrote:
Show nested quote +

lol... the idiot tax

the other day, I had to wait behind a morbidly obese black woman buying a 64 oz. icee and a lottery ticket at the gas station. more than anything else about her, the fact that she was paying something like 10 bucks for the lottery ticket really grossed me out.



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