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Arrival: Korea

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RaiNKhAN    United States. Apr 28 2008 07:29. Posts 4080
Two days ago I decided since the WPT championships held at the
Bellagio in Las Vegas had just ended that it was time to head back
home. However, at the time I decided to begin to pack I spoke
with Rekrul (Dan Schreiber) and he offered me to take him up
on his invite to visit him in korea for a month. I've been
dodging this invite for quite some time now simply because I was
just never comfortable (or rich enough) enough to say screw it, book
the ticket and go.

We arrived at Inchon Airport in South Korea at 6am, and
headed for Rekrul's Apartment. We walked in and I was impressed
with how spacey the place is despite hearing rumors about how small
apartments are here. I sat around, played some poker then we eat
some until eventually night time hit. I showered, got dressed, then
napped for like two hours until around 930 PM. Dan, Smuft and myself all walked out together for roughly two blocks till we grabbed a cab then arrived at the night club.

I have to admit that as I walked down the stairs of the
entrance into the club that I was nervous. Being a competitive poker player for so long, my socializing habits have gone down the drain as i've increased my focus into just poker and nothing else. All three of us got escorted to the back of the club and shown through the doors of the private room. We sat down, and a waiter brought us plenty of beers, whiskey and fruit to have. Basically, in Korea they have these 'booking clubs' in order to help with matchmaking between the opposite sex, which I find hilariously convienient. What's cool about it is the girl usually will just get up and leave you if she isn't comfortable in the area, so you know you aren't being a sleaze ball or anything if she decides to stay with you.
The night was long and fun, and we all shared good times for my first night in Korea. I'm sitting here as I type reviewing as much Korean as I can so eventually before half of this trip is over I will be able to hold a decent conversation with anyone here in Korean.
I've been taking up cash games as well while i'm here to pass time. It certainly also helps to have players in this apartment whose ability to play and analyze the game supercede that of my own by a longshot as well. Rekrul and Smuft have so much incite to the game and life in general, so I'm rdy to take this trip by storm. Good luck, and stay focused!

- Khan

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The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet! 

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 28 2008 07:32. Posts 16784

you're gonna have a blast im sure

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Bigbobm   United States. Apr 28 2008 07:50. Posts 5512

dont go start makin some of those khanrean babies now

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

morph1   Sierra Leone. Apr 28 2008 07:51. Posts 2352

great.. have fun

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Apr 28 2008 08:18. Posts 14026


PplusAD   Germany. Apr 28 2008 09:01. Posts 7180

oh didnt know smuft was a poker bro , too

i thought it were Rekrul, elky and Grrrr who Poker in Korea

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 28 2008 09:08. Posts 34272

  On April 28 2008 07:18 byrnesam wrote:

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

NerO   United States. Apr 28 2008 09:14. Posts 2402

sounds sweet man have fun out there

Avius   Iraq. Apr 28 2008 09:19. Posts 219

sounds like a lot of fun, enjoy your time

aka. Samael 

SirBlotto   Germany. Apr 28 2008 09:43. Posts 1270

nice nice korea must be really fun place pics would be sweet

bane   United States. Apr 28 2008 10:31. Posts 2379

"i wanna squeeze play u girl"

but yeah have funn!

TheHuHu   United States. Apr 28 2008 11:13. Posts 4271

Wtf, Rekrul lives in Korea?

I have always wanted to quote myself. - Me 

Jubert69   United States. Apr 28 2008 11:38. Posts 3191

  On April 28 2008 10:13 TheHuHu wrote:
Wtf, Rekrul lives in Korea?

Where have you been? lol

I'm Korean btw Khan, hope you enjoy it there

Chobo1   Thailand. Sep 18 2009 04:45. Posts 287

good stuff. Hope you have a blast.

a lot of the poker players here in thailand tell me that the korean nightlife is pretty good.

BUT, i still hear that the japanese and the nightlife in taiwan is pretty sick too.


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