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E-Check Resolution

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NewBornBaby   United States. May 12 2008 19:46. Posts 413
Dear All,

Received this e-mail from Pokerstars today. Should clarify any problems anyone had with E-Checks. Frustrating yes but hey SHIP THAT 20% Frustration BONUS.

"Hello Gerard,

Thank you for contacting us.

Yes, it is correct. We understand that the delay with your eCheck cashout
has been frustrating. Whilst there have been issues with the processor we
accept full responsibility for this. We have been working hard with
the processor to resolve this situation and cashouts should start
hitting players’ bank accounts today, or at the very latest tomorrow.
Please note that we are processing the oldest cashouts first so it is
likely to take the next 5–10 business days for us to clear the backlog.

If we do not receive confirmation that the first batches of processed
cashouts are reaching players by end of business, Tuesday May 13 we
will cancel all processed cashouts and re-credit player accounts. You
will then be able to cash out via other methods, including paper
checks. We assure you that you will be able to receive your cashout
and that your funds are safe with us.

As recognition of the inconvenience which you have experienced
PokerStars will credit you with a 20% bonus. The amount will be 20% of
your delayed eCheck cashout and this will be credited to your account
by end of business Monday May 12. There are no conditions attached to
this bonus and you are free to do what you like with the funds,
including cashing them out.

Please accept our sincerest apologies for this delay and rest assured
that we will resolve this matter so that you can receive your money.

Let us know in case you need further assistance.

Best regards,

PokerStars Support Team"


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One for tha money, Two for tha show. Clap yo hands, If you gotta bankroll 

ggplz   Sweden. May 12 2008 19:51. Posts 16784

they know what to write

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Xenocidegs   United States. May 12 2008 20:27. Posts 365

I wish FTP would say something like this..... I need my damn cashout already -_-

Sheitan   Canada. May 12 2008 20:52. Posts 4217

WHAT? So they give u 20% just like this ... this is sick.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

tloapc   Pitcairn. Jul 10 2008 07:54. Posts 2591

I hope stars always stays on top of things

god they rock

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action. 


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