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Jonvee   Canada. May 15 2008 11:30. Posts 35
I played an eight hour session of NL25 yesterday:

I'm currently playing a very tight style and low variance style. Originally I wanted to play about a 14/10 style, but I guess having a VPIP of 11 just turned out after 9k hands.

I'm trying to get maximum value on every hand I play. Obviously at the beginning at the session my focus was good, I was happy with my play. Eventually my focus started to deteriorate and I started making so fancy plays which cost me some $$.

Luckily I ran well and made a ton yesterday, but I'm going to keep things in perspective and just continue to play good solid poker. Too many time after winning a bunch I've gotten thing you know boom, you start breaking even you think something is wrong..then you start losing.. - happens way too often.

Goals for the month:
- start working out to work on my mind set
- read The Poker Mind Set
- read PLO - Jeff Hwang's book
- try to average about 4bb/100 until the end of May.

Anyway I'm going to start posting here from now on to keep my head straight.

Peace All,

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 Last edit: 15/05/2008 11:34

PplusAD   Germany. May 15 2008 11:45. Posts 7180

9 K hands a day



U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

roflcopter   United States. May 15 2008 13:32. Posts 620

I wish I had the willpower to play 9k hands in a single day. gj keep it up

KwarK_uK: and if that was a bluff you deserved the pot for ballerness 


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