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Epiphany rant update

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k2o4   United States. May 17 2008 13:48. Posts 4803
The last 10 days have gone pretty badly, though I didn't play for like 5 of them. I had about 3 days of hell and then the last 2 went pretty well. Not fantastic, but well. Doing NL50 again till around 2.5K or I am playing well and feel like taking a shot. Took a shot the other day while running godly but the heater ended when I moved up and I lost half a buyin @ NL100. Still on track to recovery though so that's good. And NL50 is pretty easy. Can't believe I become such a chump whenever I'm playing NL100. I swear I make the stupidest mistakes up there lately. Gotta get back into the groove and then move back up and play WINNING poker, not this spewy tilty shit I've done lately. I took a few bad beats and let it get to me. Not smart.

Graphs over last 10 days
Dark green is Actual Winnings, light green is expected winnings
NL100: + Show Spoiler +

NL50: + Show Spoiler +

I'm exercising a lot more and waking up earlier. I used to think 11am was really early... I'd usually get up around noon or 1pm. My GF has to be at work @ 10am, so she always gets up before me, and I started feeling like a real bum because of that. I decided I needed to start getting up earlier cause my days felt wayyyy too short and with this beautiful summer weather I was missing out on too much. Plus it's so nice outside, I just felt like I was a real bum for sitting in front of a computer all day, avoiding the fresh air and sunlight. And if I get up early I can walk with her when she's going to work and then split off to do my own walk in this nice park near our house.

I've slowly started getting up an hour earlier each day and today hit 8:30am. I've started going out on a walk every morning in the park, which is nice on a few levels. First I try and speedwalk it to get the heart going (I hate running, weak lungs beaten down by weed/cigs over the years kick my ass anytime I run), then I do pushups at a nice spot, so it becomes a nice exercise experience. Second, it's a pretty park and I get to be out in the fresh air, sunlight and grass and trees and river and all that shit. It's a pleasant change. I'm aiming to do at least 100 pushups and 100 situps a day, which I know isn't very much but it's a great start from 0 anything for months. When I played football in High School our coach challenged us to do the "100 club" where we would do 100 pushups and 100 situps every day of the season. I took it on and when you put that on top of the running around in practice and required days in the weight room, man, that was the best shape I was in of my entire life. So I'm starting small. When I first started doing pushups again 10 in 1 set was hard, and 20 nearly impossible. Now I'm up to 60 in one set and the first 40 I can do very quickly without much trouble.

Oh, and food. That's my big problem. After moving back to the USA from India I became a bit of a glutton. There were so many things I missed eating that I just went to town in the eating department for several months. Got into some bad habits. When I first came back from India I couldn't finish an entire chipotle burrito. Serving sizes in India are tiny and the food is much lighter, so my stomach was much smaller. That chipotle burrito was just way too much. About half of it and I was too full for another bite. Now I chow that down without a problem and could still have a desert on top of it. My stomach is totally stretched out compared to how it used to be, and that is not a good thing.

So I've cut all my serving sizes in half. It's a bit shitty at times cause I will want to keep eating, but I don't NEED it. That's what I'm realizing. So if I'd normally have 2 pieces of chicken, a big serving of mashed potatoes and a muffin for lunch, now I have 1 piece of chicken, half the potatoes, half a muffin and I throw in a salad. I never got so full that I can't move anymore, which I think is a good thing. Sometimes I still feel hungry but not to any point where I need food. I think that if I can keep the veggies mixed in and cut the amount I eat in half while keeping up on the exercise I will be on track to being in good shape again.

Life outside of poker is definitely going well. I think that's helping me to do better at poker. I think if I focus solely on poker I start getting tilty cause I am not as driven - I get lethargic, bored, and impatient. I start focusing on the money and not playing perfect poker. When I play with the only thought in my mind being "Play perfect poker" I do my best. When I'm thinking "Win 3 buyins" I do horrible. And when I'm only focused on poker and neglecting everything else the other things in my life start going bad, which makes me feel shitty on top of being lethargic so I get even more tilty. It's weird cause I keep thinking "I need to play poker and make some money before I can worry about ______ (the blank is usually things like fun, relationship, exercise, eating right, cleaning up, doing errands, so on)." So I play lots of poker but since I'm playing so much I start playing worse, and since I'm neglecting stuff I feel bad about the rest of my life and play even worse, and then things outside of poker get worse but I don't deal with it cause I can't fix it untill I do well in poker... but I keep doing worse in poker and OMG, the cycle keeps going and next thing I know I've tilted off 15 buyins and I want to quit poker forever and give up on life. haha. Wow, it's weird to realize that.

This means that I have to remember to take care of the other parts of my life and it will translate into better poker play! YES! SECRET TO SUCCESS REVEALED!

Wow, what a ranting, rambling post. This was a total braindump. I had no idea what I was gonna write beyond the first paragraph, it all just flowed out and revelations were made. We discovered em together. Hope you guys enjoyed. And like alwyas, please leave a comment on your way out =)

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ahk88   United States. May 17 2008 15:32. Posts 635

cant stop eating man

k2o4   United States. May 17 2008 16:04. Posts 4803

  On May 17 2008 14:32 ahk88 wrote:
cant stop eating man

lol this totally confused me

are you saying

1) that you (ahk88) can't stop eating?

2) that I (k2o4) shouldn't stop eating? 

def_jammer   Germany. May 17 2008 18:04. Posts 1227


whamm!   Albania. May 17 2008 18:43. Posts 11625

appreciate life first. then you get to appreciate poker, even with just marginal success imo.

k2o4   United States. May 17 2008 19:13. Posts 4803

  On May 17 2008 17:43 whamm! wrote:
appreciate life first. then you get to appreciate poker, even with just marginal success imo.

agreed. funny cause if I have a big winning session sometimes after it's over I sit there and go "so now what?" especially when I don't have much else going on besides poker. 

SemPeR   Canada. May 19 2008 01:15. Posts 2288

Just thought I'd say this post made me bookmark your blog. D:

Interested to see how the workout/diet changes work out for you. Imo the most important thing is to just set good, realistic goals, and stick to them no matter what. No different than proper br management.

k2o4   United States. May 20 2008 16:51. Posts 4803

  On May 19 2008 00:15 SemPeR wrote:
Just thought I'd say this post made me bookmark your blog. D:

Interested to see how the workout/diet changes work out for you. Imo the most important thing is to just set good, realistic goals, and stick to them no matter what. No different than proper br management.


thanks. I agree with you about the goals. So far it's going well. Muscle mass is up, fat is down. Already feeling a lot better / looking better, but got a ways to go before I am where I wanna be. 


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