Lol you run bad.
Hand 1: raise/fold, don't call him off here, most of the time AA is good at 25NL so I'd suggest sticking it in on the flop, you'll see AQ a lot.
Hand 2: well played, maybe bet a little more each street because the board is pretty drawheavy, but as played it's fine, you gotta run good
Hand 3: always raise this flop Strong, he's drawing a lot here and you don't want to let him draw cheap
Hand 4: meh
Hand 5: nobody, get the money in on the flop
Hand 6: it's not bad, although you might consider checking behind on such a scary rivercard, I would also pot pot shove here in general.
Hand 7: I would go for a c/r on the flop considering you got some fold equitiy, as played I'd definitely 4bet shove here.
Hand 8: Raise big after his donk bet and get the money in.
Hand 9: Read dependant, if you think he'd shove here with hands like AK and AJ call.
Hand 10: Isolate the shortstack by shoving, bad luck.
Hand 11: Although, I think you're fold is good here, I'd still lose my chips here, just get it in preflop, oh yeah and like the comment says, don't setmine without odds.
Hand 12: Always 3bet here, a little bigger too imo. Your fold looks nice, but I would still get my chips in here against their range (JJ+, AK and sometimes TT).
Hand 13: Lol at the fold against shorty push, isolate/shove him.