I have a workshop on storytelling to give this Wednesday and quite a bit of work from my full time job to finish up, so I've only played a couple of hours this past week. When I do play I play like a retard because my brain is pretty tired already.
The absolute worst, worst hand I must have played was when I decided to 3 bet someone whose stats were 23/17... after he raised UTG... with JKo! Then the flop comes 9TJ, he checks, I bet and he raises. A real, honest to goodness raise, mind you, not a cbet catching min raise. So I'm thinking he must have an overpair if not a set, but I have top pair and a gut shot draw and I'm a punk and I'm feeling lucky so I shove. Sigh.
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Yes, my friend, lol indeed.
After that near train wreck I played for an hour at 2NL FR and was flinging chips into the middle running at about 24/18. Raising 56s UTG and so on... Finally someone decides to "look me up" in his own special NL2 way and this happens:
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(poor guy had J8o) Then a couple of hands later I think I have a straight on the turn when I don't.
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(though villain had a royal flush draw so technically, I suppose I was ahead with a pair of 3s)
I need some sleep.