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Huge Leak Help!

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Exhilarate   United States. May 28 2008 16:13. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:24

Python817   Canada. May 28 2008 16:33. Posts 2733

its nl50 fr I think -3k in non showdown spots over a decent sample size is standard

rogier   Netherlands. May 28 2008 16:48. Posts 1528

um i think your winrate isnt optimal, unless its over >100k hands or sth. just make a vid of yourself playing 4tables for 30min+upload it here, usually it is "youre folding too much"

3k is a fucking lot(60 buyins)

Exhilarate   United States. May 28 2008 17:07. Posts 5453

Im running about 4bb/100 over 80k hands in holdem manager which sucks ass.

Timonga   United States. May 28 2008 19:19. Posts 1074

I really wish I could help you with what you feel is a leak. Maybe ask JYang for a sweat session?

Anyways, assuming my math is correct, you've won $1600 from 50nl thus far, that's solid. It could be worse, I mean, you could be down.

Craigerson   United States. May 28 2008 19:54. Posts 1281

weird... are you calling a lot on the turn/river?

Exhilarate   United States. May 28 2008 20:52. Posts 5453

i'm not sure, that might be it. or im just giving up too easily in small pots, or chasing draws with no odds sometimes
i really dont know the exact problem, but to see my graph $-3k is pretty bad =/


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