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Dear June, fuck off.

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Trey   United States. Jun 05 2008 09:16. Posts 5616

Good start to the month to say the least.. I've become MUCH more passive since the first couple days of the month and I'm really pissed at myself so I'm venting. I've had so many coolers and fun spots that I'm just really gun-shy about getting in a big pot because I have that "How will I get fucked this time?" feeling every time.

I don't expect you guys to read all of these hands but I put them all in one HH link so it'd be easier to skim through them all if you wanted a few laughs. There's even a guest appearance with Neilly which I think I misplayed pretty badly.

Anyways, here's the hands (didn't include the QQ v AKs and stuff aipf because they're pretty standard but they happened 3 times against fish at 3/6 [the big drop in the graph]):

Good luck to everyone, keep grinding.

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whamm!   Albania. Jun 05 2008 12:34. Posts 11625

june is pretty bad for me also. cant seem to get a good run going. like winning a ton then losing it in a couple of sessions. fuck june. biggest loss was on my bday too lol

shaneomac   United States. Jun 05 2008 13:33. Posts 4245

yeah june hasnt been kind to me @ all. i cut down on tables and have put a few winning sessions together, but im still stuck 10BI

shaneomac   United States. Jun 05 2008 13:33. Posts 4245

just keep @ it!!

Loco   Canada. Jun 05 2008 13:46. Posts 20968

looks like my june

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 


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