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Exhilarate   United States. Jun 07 2008 21:54. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:22

fenner   Australia. Jun 07 2008 21:56. Posts 2188

u should get back down to 50nl asap if your roll doesnt support 100nl for atleast 20 BIs

Exhilarate   United States. Jun 07 2008 21:57. Posts 5453

i'm at 4.3k, i started my 100nl shot at 5.6k. i'm still way over rolled, yet i just keep getting owned

whamm!   Albania. Jun 07 2008 22:06. Posts 11625

tough mix of players lately too, seeing a lot of 400 and 200nl grinders moving down as of late. im surprised you can't beat this coz i really find 50nl to be a lot tougher, but i guess it's different for diff people. i think you're just scared money plus running bad plus the usual downswing when one moves up. bad recipe for tilt so id suggest that you move down to 50nl and get it up to 5k again before giving it another shot. how many tables do you play btw?

Exhilarate   United States. Jun 07 2008 22:13. Posts 5453

i play 9 tables the same amount i've been playing for all the limits for the past 5 months
but i really don't think im playing scared money at all.

i found 50nl so much easier, i really had no trouble there at all, except for the early move up i had the first 4 days
i don't even think im playing that bad, yet i just can't get a decent session at all

YoMeR   United States. Jun 08 2008 00:34. Posts 12438

uhhmm here's a suggestion:

play less tables. work on getting your reads sharper. get creative instead of just assuming that playing the same way all day is going to still turn you a nice fat profit.

Now variance is definitely possible for over 29k hands and even for much larger sample sizes but in most cases the reason why people are losing for over 20k+ sample sizes is because they are doing something wrong. Whether it be tilt, bad play, retarded spews, unknown spews or what not.

oh and be objective and reasonable when analyzing your own play.

eZ Life. 

Exhilarate   United States. Jun 08 2008 00:39. Posts 5453

is 100NL really that much harder than 50NL? i'm playing about the same way and i was crushing 50NL before i moved up.
i guess i'll try 6 tables and see how that goes.
i thought playing solid abc poker is ok at 100nl? as opposed to being creative that is, i dunno

PplusAD   Germany. Jun 08 2008 03:34. Posts 7180

  On June 07 2008 23:34 YoMeR wrote:
uhhmm here's a suggestion:

play less tables. work on getting your reads sharper. get creative instead of just assuming that playing the same way all day is going to still turn you a nice fat profit.

Now variance is definitely possible for over 29k hands and even for much larger sample sizes but in most cases the reason why people are losing for over 20k+ sample sizes is because they are doing something wrong.

I am pretty sure ure playing too straight forward with your medium good hands. ( top pair good kicker etc)
I just recently moved up to NL100 and i realized alot more people play the style with which i raped Nl50
They play a lot more agressive with a balanced range ( meaning when they are betting strong they have either an absolute monster or total garbage) U have garbage often enough that people call u down light ... but at the same time u have monsters more often than garbage which leads to a nice profit.

I really dont put my money in with medicore hands like TPTK without a super strong read. Ofc i still get it in vs some players from whom i know they will call with worse.
But in generell i really prefer the garbae//monster balanced range vs unknowns more.

The hands u postet say nothing !
just stnd stuff that happens to everyone

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz)Last edit: 08/06/2008 03:45

Exhilarate   United States. Jun 08 2008 08:11. Posts 5453

yeah i don't really like tptk too much anymore esp for 100bbs deep, nits show up with sets/two pair way too often
even at nl50 i didn't play tptk too aggressively
i guess i gotta try different things


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