lazymej   Canada. Jun 08 2008 23:24. Posts 2897
Had a shitty session tonight. Played about 1k hands and lost 4 buyins (was looking to keep increasing my roll so I can keep up with my campaign to move up in stakes), but that was just not happening for my tonight. I just decided to call it quits. I'm tired anyway.
Went to go watch the F1 race in Montreal today. It was my first time ever, and I always wanted to go watch a race. All I can say is it was SICK SICK SICK. Seriously, it was absolutely unreal. I used to watch the races every weekend and it's just a totally different experience when you're there. The only thing is if you don't have an awesome spot you won't know what the hell is going on. But seeing those cars whiz by makes it fine by me. They're so much faster than they look on tv. Awesome day and I tanned a few shades lol.
So I finally got PT3 (trail version hehe) so I can now make graphs. I've seen everyone posting theirs, so I'll contribute as well. I was talking to a friend and showed him this and he thinks it's really good. I just thought it was mediocre at best (I haven't really compared it to other graphs so idk). He said I should post this as a brag so here I am haha.
0 votes
killThemDonks   Canada. Jun 09 2008 02:38. Posts 2681
11 BB / 100 hands = running like a true hero imo
sorry to hear about the bad run. it happens. try not to tilt or think about the money lost when next you play and things should be fine.
sick graph for an NL 5 poker n00b