Yaffie   United Kingdom. Jun 13 2008 09:43. Posts 672
2nd year at university is OVER! Had my last exam on wednesday which went pretty well. I'm on a high 2:1 from last semester and coursework from the current semester, which I'm fairly pleased with. I should get my exam results within the month.
So I made myself a little goal of trying to make 1.5 buyins a day at NL10 over june. I knew I wouldnt be able to clock too many hands as I still had to work but I managed that quite easily and soon enough I hit $500 a few days ago. Sooooo I'm having my first pop at NL25 with this bankroll. Going good so far. Running at just over 5BB/100 over a small sample of hands.
It doesn't feel too different to NL10 - people seem to float cbets more often and are slightly more agressive but I feel like I've adjusted quite well and have a good feel for which players are capable of making any moves and which are just mashing the raise button when they hit. It still amazes me how many people slowplay monster hands - they could take so much more of my stack if they wanted
I'm moving back home to London on tuesday and should be able to play as much poker as I can stomach. I'd like to make silver status this month but it might be a bit late. We shall see
Oh also it's kinda funny playing LP members on PS (recognised by their avatars). They play SO much ABC poker at these stakes that they're easier to exploit than the fishes!
GL Y'all
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purrryadog   Australia. Jun 13 2008 14:13. Posts 70
good luck.
be mega aggressive vs. any regulars at this stake. if they play abc, smash them, dropped down to 50nl tonight and smahed them on the continuos aggro factor, they cant handle it.