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Worst session of my life.

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TianYuan    Korea (South). Jun 14 2008 02:18. Posts 6817
12 hours of play (or so), down only 2k but it's SOOOOOOOOOOO TILTING, because I was fucking 178 $ away from breakeven 1 hour ago.

God, I haven't won a flip all day. Not preflop, not on the flop, not even if I'm dominating them preflop. Lost 2 flips at 5/10 (but also sucked out once so the 5/10 results were not very tilting, just super standard).. But this session.... GUDFHGUGH

I usually 4 table but.... tilt. 6-7 tables gogo - . - Probably played my B game (maybe C game towards the end) but also ran like dogshit.

Sad thing is I think my pokertracker managed to not import the last batch of losses (QQ vs AK vs a 30bb stack, he hits obv because I won 1 out of like 10 coinflips today!) 22 vs a shortstack I raised preflop, he calls, I cbet AQ3 flop he calls, I c/r AI on 2 turn, he has 333 gg me, as well as some other hand.. I dunno let's add 300 to the losses maybe).

I'm not even gonna post hands, I don't want to play poker ever again right now -.-
This hand describes my day best:
Did I mention he leaves like 1 orbit later?

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Hm.. Off-suite socks..Last edit: 14/06/2008 02:19

Royal_Rumble   Germany. Jun 14 2008 02:21. Posts 1760

looks swingy as fuck. Good luck you will be back owning the donks!

money won is twice as sweet as money earned.  

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jun 14 2008 02:22. Posts 6817



"Cuz it's only one 3bet pot"

Because you're a fucking idiot that's why.

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jun 14 2008 02:29. Posts 6817

OK now that I've tilt raged a bit I feel better.

I'm running at fucking 12bb/100 at 2/4, and 2/4 is good money. I'm still rolled for 3/6 (and I still have enough money to play in soft 5/10 games without it hurting me), I really shouldn't take this so hard.. I just need to not look at the graph.

And especially not at the 4115 mark.


Tilt opening more tables because you need more action (lol :D I was even making awesomely large preflop raises when I had aces and fish limped, like fuck 5x, 7x is where it's at) is bad too.

Hm.. Off-suite socks..Last edit: 14/06/2008 02:32

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Jun 14 2008 02:52. Posts 5113

Im on monkey-tilt myself. -1600$

Lost around the last 100 flips.
Suggestions ?

:D   Canada. Jun 14 2008 02:56. Posts 3069

Its only 5 buy ins, who care

===== ===== 

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jun 14 2008 03:08. Posts 6817

Actually it's probably more like 6-7 cause there's a few losing hands I can't find in PT (including one really really really really really bad A hi pay off, supeeeeeer station) :C Anyway, it's not the amount it's that I didn't quit at hand 4110

Hm.. Off-suite socks..Last edit: 14/06/2008 03:09

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jun 14 2008 03:09. Posts 6817

  On June 14 2008 01:52 VanDerMeyde wrote:
Im on monkey-tilt myself. -1600$

Lost around the last 100 flips.
Suggestions ?

If we flip vs eachother we can't both lose. Well, except for vs the rake.

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

EscapingR   Netherlands. Jun 14 2008 03:12. Posts 2353

all uber standard, whining about it doesnt help shit, man up.

Exhilarate   United States. Jun 14 2008 03:17. Posts 5453

variance is super gay esp when it's not in your favor

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jun 14 2008 03:20. Posts 6817

  On June 14 2008 02:12 EscapingR wrote:
all uber standard, whining about it doesnt help shit, man up.

Yes it does.
I don't hate poker anymore ;p

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 14 2008 03:27. Posts 9634

whining helps to shake it off :D
anyway u should control ur tilt man its fine if u went ilke -600$ again then u should just say " stop " and alt+f4 tables without thinking much believe me u ll be tooooooo lazy and scared to restart poker

ggplz   Sweden. Jun 14 2008 03:38. Posts 16784

i had a mega spew session yesterday
just gotta take a break for a while w/ rest & come back in good form =]

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jun 14 2008 04:13. Posts 6817

  On June 14 2008 02:27 Spitfiree wrote:
whining helps to shake it off :D
anyway u should control ur tilt man its fine if u went ilke -600$ again then u should just say " stop " and alt+f4 tables without thinking much believe me u ll be tooooooo lazy and scared to restart poker

Hehe usually when I make one REALLY bad play I'll do that, and I said to myself "ok if I lose this hand Imma quit" perhaps two timse during this session..

It would have saved me about 1k I guess if I'd listened to that ;D (I almost always do!!)
So close yet so far away from being back to even was what really tilted me.

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

lachlan   Australia. Jun 14 2008 04:14. Posts 6991


full ring 

lachlan   Australia. Jun 14 2008 04:15. Posts 6991

play 7 card stud as a de-tilter too, its noy bad =D

full ring 


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