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Thanks Tomson

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CamilaPunt   Brasil. Jun 23 2008 21:51. Posts 2422
First of all I'd like to say, sadly, that it's a no go for wsop me for me.

I am in Brazil, my student visa for the states expired end of last year and I was trying to get a tourist visa. Problem is the interviews for tourist visas are booked up to september. I tried getting an emergency interview, ps even sent a letter to the american embassy, yet they did not accept it. Apparently winning 12,5k to play in the largest poker tournament in the world is not an 'emergency'.

Anyways, I think it's for the best. Fact is, I get to keep the money and 12,5k less in my pocket right now makes a big hole.

Now to topic title. I'd like to thank tomson from lp! Weeee.

Here's the deal, close to a year ago I decided to get a coaching session and who better than tomson, I thought. I really enjoy his insights in the hand discussions, definitely one of my fav players to read comments on. We ended up having one session and I think it went really great at the time.

Then this month, as I told in the previous blog, things have been going great in poker, both in cash and tournies. And I thought to myself, why not make it better by having someone analyze my game and help it go up more. So I spoke to Tomson, and he readily agreed to give me another lesson. Now, since things have been going good, I got lazy in making the video and left it aside.

Last few days I have been playing an unusually large amount of poker and you can guarantee that my length of play is directly correlated to losing sessions. Nothing motivates me better than trying to end even. Eventually if I play enough I start losing focus and making errors... yadayadayada (we have all been there, right?)

So saturday I had my 3rd losing day in the month, and it hurt because it was a deep losing day. I have been playing tons of 5/10 6max and hu. Started the day by losing AA vs KK aipf and AA vs AK aipf, was one of those days. After that, a few mistakes here and there and I am down a bunch of bi's.

I decided to make a video of me playing. It ended up 1:30 session due to connections problems in the end. But watching the vid was really good to get that 'outside' perspective. I learned about myself and a bit of my thinking process just by watching the video. Things like me over-worrying constantly about my table image and just some other details. In the end the thing I took most out of it is that I was not 100% focused and that deteriorated my play. Now a days I really think of sessions less in terms of time, but mostly in terms of quality. I much rather short sessions with personal great quality than long sessions with poor quality. And as time goes by I always forget that and slowly start building up the amount of time I play, amount of hands until I reach a peak (this weekend) and eventually it pops and things start going bad. It something that requires my constant attention as it seems to naturally occur.

This vid helped me see this 'crash' beforehand and I am immediately made proper adjustments, or so I think hehe. Today, after taking a nice break and being really fresh to play more, I started one of the best sessions I have had in a long time. Things almost seemed easy.

Thus, Tomson, before doing anything is in someways responsible for this! Thanks Tom ! Anyways, I plan to make a new video for him and get that lesson for I am thirsty for some hand discussions.


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Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jun 23 2008 22:01. Posts 5647

good idea videoing yourself, I was thinking of doing something like that too. interesting report, i'll give it a try

jase   Australia. Jun 23 2008 22:22. Posts 1604

upload vid plz ! :D

Logiabs~   Colombia. Jun 23 2008 23:18. Posts 9133

sorry about the visa
us embassys always are so cocky

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jun 24 2008 01:06. Posts 6817

Really really good point about burning yourself out both longterm (playing day in and day out) and shortterm (playing too long sessions).

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 


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