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Big cash out

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SKoT   United States. Jul 06 2008 12:09. Posts 1768
Got some big bills coming up for new school year(first/last rent, security desposit, books, etc) and this, combined with a pretty bad downswing across 50/100nl(~$1000), made me cash out all the way down to $1,000. Kind of a 50nl do-or-die type thing. I will not play 100nl until at least 1500 where i will have a 1 buyin stoploss and wont play it full time until 1800.

Also, I threw in some applications for part time work around town. I have fuck all to do all day anyway other than work out, play poker, and get drunk so that'll help. I dont have any graphs or anything because for some reason my postgres is all fucked up but whatever.

Im still fairly happy with my play, and it is not often that I get my money in behind, just unlucky as fuck i guess recently and needed the money anyway.

Happy hunting LP.

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ggplz   Sweden. Jul 06 2008 12:25. Posts 16784


if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 


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