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Bad night, bad decisions

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GameOverNoob   Canada. Jul 18 2008 05:47. Posts 961
I smoked a joint the other night, which i rarely do and it put me to sleep for almost a whole day. I woke up feeling like crap so i went back to sleep and when i was feeling better i decided i had to makeup for the sessions i lost. I guess i still wasn't in the best shape cause i sat down on 4 tables of 6max and lost 2 buyins within 10min. Decided to get some coffee, relax for 5 min n get back to it. I got back to my computer and for some reason wanted to 3 table hu nl50. The first part of the session went very well, was up 3buyins but for some reason i lost control of myself and started making tons of mistakes... my mentality was to crack everyone and win every single hand...needless to say i dropped ~12-13 buyins over the course of 2hrs. I was steaming rly hard and opeend my cashier to see the damage and was ssoooo mad.!!! almost a whole weeks work gone! Had a smoke, drank my coffee and sat down at 2 nl100 hu tables (worst move ever!) but was in a solidmentality and really was focused on playing well and making my monies back. I did this with about 12buyins of that limit in my account. I played very well, stuck to my game and got lucky with some mediocre villains and managed to make back 530.00$ of my losses back. I obviously happy i made most of my losses back, but mad that i lost control. I'm gonna think of ways to getmyself from now steaming like i did, cause one day this will result in me going busto. Yoga? kinda gay... Can't go for a jog really cause i play late at night... well. that was my rant... had a long session but i think im still okay to get back to ym usual 6max games for a couple more hours.

Poll: Tilted, moved up stakes and went busto?
(Vote): No, only fish do that
(Vote): Who hasn't?
(Vote): I can usually regain my stamina and not go too crazy
(Vote): tilt?

0 votes
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Python817   Canada. Jul 18 2008 05:56. Posts 2733

nah I don't tilt and move up stakes I just play 20 hour sessions to try and get even if I dont hit my stoploss

clee   . Jul 18 2008 06:11. Posts 24

i used to be more of the school of down a buying - play 2 hands at a time of blackjack on ladbrokes with half a buyin on each hand.. needless to say this is not a cure for tilt. more a direct attack on the bankroll.. but congrats on making it back!

ChromaX   Bulgaria. Jul 18 2008 06:53. Posts 392

"go up in stakes to get even or busto" tilt is the worst one and is so cant be serious player and do shits like this It's not like you dont realize what are you doing,you know
that when you open these high limit tables,you're saying "FUCK IT I DONT CARE ANYMORE!!!" you dont care? If you're that stupid you fucking deserve to go broke!
But HEY this is poker you can get even sometimes LOLZ....

my tilt switches on when I play a hand or two bad , I start getting very agro ,flipping every time I can , semibluffing every draw,shoving AKo vs pfr ,never folding overpair etc. and after like 10 minutes I realize what I do and try to nit it up and use the agro image i created or quit if it feels too bad and i cant think properly

AA is only a pair MUPPET - the guy who cracked my AA calling AI pf with QJ 

killThemDonks   Canada. Jul 18 2008 07:20. Posts 2681

whats tilt?

GameOverNoob   Canada. Jul 18 2008 07:28. Posts 961

I always tell myself to "use my tilt image" and it seems to get me back to normal!
gotta make sure i don't do that again... it was the second time i'v done that during my time playiung poker seriously...1st time didn't end as well tho uh:


eightfourO   United States. Jul 18 2008 07:36. Posts 820

you know, i did that, and i went from 5 and 10nl to 50 nl and i won 80 bucks lol.

I am a god damn Rootin Tootin Shootin Cowboy!! 

eightfourO   United States. Jul 18 2008 07:37. Posts 820

but i def don't recommend that... cuz you could lose it all as well obv

I am a god damn Rootin Tootin Shootin Cowboy!! 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Jul 18 2008 07:45. Posts 961

yeah, ur a super baller

i had 12-15buyins at the stake i moved up to... but it was still a terrible decision.


killThemDonks   Canada. Jul 18 2008 08:01. Posts 2681

wow...thats least u made most of it could have been ALOT worse.

gl man

PoorUser    United States. Jul 18 2008 10:06. Posts 7471

bad habit, if you dont fix it you will eventually go broke (not even involving how you play normally being a factor)

Gambler Emeritus 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Jul 18 2008 10:16. Posts 961

yeah, you're 100% right and i knew that to begin with.
lost my cool, going to make sure it never happens again


thewh00sel    United States. Jul 18 2008 10:44. Posts 2734

i dont do this when i tilt, but if i have a rough day at X stake i've definitely moved up stakes before. I feel like I play my best when I know that if I win an all in i'll be up on the day. That being said I play with 50+ buy ins for w/e level, so moving up isn't really a dumb move, just a time investment for money made decision. I don't want to invest as much time as it would take at X limit so I move up to Y. Seems standard to me.

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

Bejamin1   Canada. Jul 18 2008 11:59. Posts 7042


Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 


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