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GameOverNoob   Canada. Jul 26 2008 22:23. Posts 961
im pretty sucking plastered....about to lay a session...this isto reminf myself tomorrow how stupoid i am...

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roflcopter   United States. Jul 26 2008 23:58. Posts 620

flips gogogo

KwarK_uK: and if that was a bluff you deserved the pot for ballerness 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Jul 27 2008 01:54. Posts 961

i want to kill myself... i actually didn't even know i made this thread...

wow... im a douche...

i sucker, a loser, what a waste of a couple weeks work...if not more...
1/2 my roll GONE cause i decided to come home after going out n play poker


killThemDonks   Canada. Jul 27 2008 03:29. Posts 2681

holy shit

lachlan   Australia. Jul 27 2008 04:23. Posts 6991

wtf man, bad beat

full ring 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Jul 27 2008 15:20. Posts 961

24hr self ban


Highcard   Canada. Jul 27 2008 17:25. Posts 5428

I came to see the results and I am impressed

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 


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