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less ranting, more Gogogo

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GameOverNoob   Canada. Aug 02 2008 01:59. Posts 961
I swear that beneath all the stress I've brought upon myself from playing poker I do love it with a passion. It's simply why i continue to live this lifestyle, although there are many times I can't cope. If i'm running bad online, i can only deal with it for a time period before i start tilting and then playing badly and running badly. During this time i just about always bring my table attitude into my real life and then I don't feel like doing anything. I'm assuming this is something everyone deals with, not only in the poker community but everywhere only I happen to throw away thousands when it happens. At my level, winning and losing thousands / week is normal, and I've become very comfortable with it although im crossing my fingers I'll be a more level headed when school starts. I don't think (unless traveling the globe playing everywhere) that my current twelve hours sleep, 6hours poker, 6hours of nothing is very good for me. Mentally and of course physically too. That being said, I'm a happy camper 80% of the time doing what I do. July was a so-so month, profiting roughly 3k which could have been 5k+ if it were not for my drunken stupidities.

I'm going to work on keeping my cool in August, getting out a bit more and getting ready for my first time back in school since I graduated high school.

This post is less of a rant and more of self inspiration cause what it all comes down to is loving what you do.

Hope August brings alot of monies for everyone, and i'll be sure to post again soon.



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@lehgoboyLast edit: 02/08/2008 04:02

Moffa   United States. Aug 02 2008 02:26. Posts 617

gl man

Dangerous, but worth the risk. 

VENOM   United States. Aug 02 2008 02:28. Posts 1383

Wish you luck dude. Don't forget to exercise, it will add years to your life and *inches to your piece. (*it wont')

daylight keeps the shadows falling behind - Kenna / YadadaMeEn21 

lachlan   Australia. Aug 02 2008 05:29. Posts 6991

wow 20 bi, not bad =)

full ring 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Aug 02 2008 06:23. Posts 961

i was berating some fish in an MTT n he asked me to play HU, obv i said of course but he lucked out for 2 buyins

backfire imo

still, very happy with my results today/last night



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