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TianYuan    Korea (South). Aug 08 2008 18:02. Posts 6817

Almost even on 1/2 now, just another buyin and a half.. I think I played good most of the time today, was slightly tilted for a while but regrouped fairly quickly. - I REALLY thought he had quads heh, but with the odds I figured oh well, maybe he has QQ/KK enough of the time.. - I know a few days back I had some silly hand where I shoved a trashy flushdraw on a paired board in a 3bet pot for 100bb (and got it in drawing almost dead to AA with a flushdraw), but in this case I SHOULD shove right? - I regret betting here, I had won the last two pots and I remember from an earlier session that he check/raised me the 3rd (or so) time I had raised his limp/raised in general.. I feel like if I cbet here, with how much I felt like he was itching to c/r, I shouldn't be folding.. Which might be pretty spewy so a check behind is probably best. - I'm very happy with this hand~ - I'm not sure if these types of bluffs are great, but it worked this time at least. - Hmm, maybe I should bet turn again, 45 probably doesn't raise me, and for him to call on the flop and now have the high end of the straight he'd have to have 89T* and I have two 8s so that's fairly unlikely, I guess he could have 9T** with clubs too. - Yuck. Bet/fold turn > c/c? He's 13/8/1.8 - Standard or should I call because his shove range should include more draws than Ax hands? Is KK44 double paired/single suited an alright 3bet or do I really need them to be double suited? Fwiw, TheAndOn was a very loose aggressive player. - I hate folding here, I see visions of him turning QJ into a bluff before my eyes.. I considered c/ring river briefly to fold out KT (or 9T if he'd bet that..he sort of instapotted it). But he can have AT himself so meh. - Should I bet turn you think? Am I being too scared of the nutflush when I have the 2nd nuts? With this many people in, do you think this board is better to c/r (since it's quite an action board)? - Felt good to do this after the last hand I'm not sure I should be potting in these spots, in hold'em I would probably jam here a lot (since nobody folds a boat or trips ever here) but do you think I I'll actually fold out some low boats here? - Bluuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh? Fold flop? It's like, a super small raise I feel dirty folding with that many outs On the turn I have like a bazillion million different outs (something like 40% equity vs the nuts).. Meh. - Same guy as above.. now he c/raises me pot. Get it in or call? I have 17 outs but I suppose I'm kinda cooked vs 6789 or 5678. - Same guy as above, this whale just owned me every hand. I was a bit tilted at the time, I think my turn bet is *really* terrible in retrospect, I don't really get a call from worse. I'm unsure about the river, maybe it's a call? Such a weirdly played hand =[

I have no idea what to make of his different lines/betsizes in the three hands. I don't think I got to see anything he showed down.. - I don't think I want to get it in here, so this is probably standard. - Should have bet river.. I didn't think he was gonna fold after he snapcalled me on the turn tho. Oh well. - Aboo. Standard/not standard? Like, I have the blocker for the nut flush obv but even so, it's a 3bet pot, people probably don't fold any flush here. And I'm pretty much drawing dead vs a flush.. - It's just hilarious how he doesn't raise me with the nuts.. :D Maybe he missed out on the fact that he had 99?? I don't know. - Reraising this preflop would probably be alright? Post flop I think it's played ok after the ace comes, because he's gonna bluff that a ton. - Am I missing out on value by not betting bottomset here? I'm not overly scared of him drawing two streets with a straightdraw on double flushdraw board but still. - Pretty early in the session but I had noticed he was very aggressive iirc. - I think I like this a lot, the lead looks fairly FOS, and this way I'll get it in very good if he does happen to have the NFD.

I'm slightly ahead of schedule (8.9k hands after only 8 days of playing, or actually after only 6 days of playing and 2 days break, but still) and really enjoying poker which is awesome, been a while since I enjoyed grinding

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Hm.. Off-suite socks..Last edit: 08/08/2008 18:12


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