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Samsung   Poland. Aug 10 2008 01:26. Posts 238
Hi boys and girls

Am not really a new member of, am registered here since like 7 months, but I was posting on a polish version of this site - - but community on lp is much bigger so I decided to move my blog here. Hopefully i will get some more feedback on my hands. Lemme introduce myself - am Sebastian and am 22. For those who like gay pics thats me:

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Now you know who you gonna help to Ok, lets talk some more about poker - currently my roll is about 2,2k$ and am playing NL50$ SH on Everest. Am calling it The swing room. There is a lot of donks - people who call you 3 streets with shit nothing and they getting some help on the river. But if you are patient - you will get paid Just watch this hand from my todays seassion:

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Had a laugh? Ok, but the main reason I started this blog is to do my seassion revievs and hopefully get some feedback on my hands from you guys. Am playing tigh and solid poker against this everests donks, Am running like 17,5/15/4.25 and am doing very well for now, but I still need some line checks, so i will try to update my blog every 1-2 days to keep you guys busy My main aims for now are:

- decrease an aggr fact to like max 3.5 cuz basicly am overaggressive against those kind of villains
- play 25k hands each week - am doing 8 tabling so its like 1k/h, so am going to play poker 25h per week over the next 2 months
- after this period of time I want to be a regular who crush at least NL100 with a 4bb+/100 winning ratio

So thats it. Lets get some hands to analize for ya now.

1) Thats nice and easy. Should I cbet on this flop against: 60/20/1,5?

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2) Should I fire a 2nd barrel here against: 60/30/5?

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3) Villain is: 17/14/2

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4) You folding those kings against: 50/10/2?

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5) How you acting on flops like this against a TAG? You just checking behind? What if you are OOP and you 3betting PF, smb call you, you just check/folding flop?

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6) I just didnt spot his a shorty, now I've got to call?

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Ok, thats enough hands for now. But there is one more problem - what to do with hands like:

ATo/s, KQo, KJo/s, QJs, TJs, 77, 88

When am on blinds and the pot is limped to me. It's like mp limps, sb limps, and am on BB with upon holding. Should I limp in as well or make a strong raise and rape those mothafuckazzz??? ;P

And finally to avoind being monothematic each time I will post a blog entry I will put here some pics I made cuz am into a photography. Lets start from my good friend. I threat her like my sister cuz am the only one so i took care about extending my family Her name is Paola and shes 23, take a look at her if you want

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Thats it for now, stay tuned~!!!

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ciachooooo   Vatican City State. Aug 10 2008 03:29. Posts 335

on everest 8tabling is like 600hands/hour

The room is so quiet you can hear Stanko saying to himself, I am the best player. 

roflcopter   United States. Aug 10 2008 09:51. Posts 620

welcome to lp

you can take my advice for a grain of sand, but here are my two cents.
1. being oop makes this hand somewhat difficult to play. I probably c/f here, but I can see a cbet and then folding down later streets if needed.
2. you aren't really beating much here and you are oop.
3. he seems pretty nitty, so there isn't really much need to bloat the pot when you are probably behind. call his raise and reevaluate down later streets.
4. NO.. I get it in all day here.
5. I cbet here almost everytime. you are ip and 3 bet him pf.
6. yeah, he's a shorty. you have two overcards and a gutshot. suck him out

on a different note, I like your photography, and that girl is cute

KwarK_uK: and if that was a bluff you deserved the pot for ballerness 

RockingBastard   Poland. Aug 10 2008 12:58. Posts 292

Ok, thats enough hands for now. But there is one more problem - what to do with hands like:

ATo/s, KQo, KJo/s, QJs, TJs, 77, 88

When am on blinds and the pot is limped to me


I think you should limp. It's hard to play those hands oop when donks are constantly putting you on AK.

I like happy things Im really calm and peaceful I like birds bees I like people 

Samsung   Poland. Aug 10 2008 13:19. Posts 238

  On August 10 2008 08:51 roflcopter wrote:
on a different note, I like your photography, and that girl is cute

thx i think shes appreciate too but what about your advices - i disaggree with some points, but i will w8 with my opinion cuz maybe smb else want to give me some hints

roflcopter   United States. Aug 10 2008 13:33. Posts 620

  On August 10 2008 12:19 Sadi wrote:
disaggree with some points, but i will w8 with my opinion cuz maybe smb else want to give me some hints


  On August 10 2008 08:51 roflcopter wrote:
you can take my advice for a grain of sand

but what do you disagree with? that's just how I would probably play those hands. maybe I'm too used to pokerstars regs

KwarK_uK: and if that was a bluff you deserved the pot for ballernessLast edit: 10/08/2008 13:33

Samsung   Poland. Aug 10 2008 14:13. Posts 238

2) he could call here with a wide range on the flop including pp and a trash so i think he will fold most of his holding on the turn but thats just a theory
5) i think hes calling range include mostly hands am behind to, TT-AA, hopefully hes got AK so i think there is no reason to cbet

and its just a discussion, it doesnt matter where you play ;P

roflcopter   United States. Aug 10 2008 15:46. Posts 620

well on the 5th hand I guess his range is wide enough that a check behind is the best line here, but I am almost always cbetting this.

KwarK_uK: and if that was a bluff you deserved the pot for ballerness 


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